EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1398

mixo_lexus писал(а) >>

Beginner's luck ...

no - it's like the difference between a car driver and a plane pilot...
One drives where the tracks are paved and the other flies where he chooses...
My gauges are already lit up green...
forte928 >>:

Вниманию отравляющихся поезд номер 3678 стоит на первом пути - примерное время отправления 17-30..Повторяю..

GMT -2 ?

forte928 >>:

нет - это разница как между водителем автомобиля и пилотом самолета..
один ездит там где проложены пути, а второй летает так как сам выберет..
У меня приборы зеленым уже горят..


Galina писал(а) >>

Is it up there or what?
To the new High???

What did you think we were in a correction, not a bad one at 100 pips.
>> we're up 127%.
forte928 писал(а) >>

What did you think we were in a correction and a good one at 100p.
>> we're up 127%.

Let's wait....
Well, it doesn't look like it's going up yet. ((((
What's your next number down there?

Galina >>:

Ну пока на взлет не очень похоже :((((
А какая там твоя следующая циферка то внизу ???

maybe from 3660 upwards


The franc is up !!!!
That means the eurik is still going down !!!!
At 1.35 40 approximate figures, locally in the moment there yourself see !!!!


Good hunting to all !
I've just reached these lines, sorry for the blatant rudeness:
Where are you flying off to at 5:30 in the middle of the night?

Well it should be all over by now....
Fuck you... AUDUSD, earlier it hit a stop on a profit... and now this.... Aah! Greed will kill you! This is going great!