EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1395


US. Net capital flow in January -$33.4bn compared to $53.6bn in December

To put it bluntly, it's not for the quid :)))
And they didn't even bother !!!
Amazing how....
Apparently they're really waiting for a decision on Greece ....
.... х... :(

Galina писал(а) >>

I see you people still haven't had enough of the bullshit, have you?
Let's talk about some charts at least.... а ???
Maybe someone has some ideas about the market apart from the Euro dollar and the Euro aussie?
What do you say?

it was a Sunday, there were a lot of directions, Monday came along and ruined everything...
forte928 писал(а) >>

it was Sunday there was a lot of schedules there were a lot of directions, Monday came along and ruined everything... cocooned...

That's right.....
And your Forte markup hasn't changed in any way I understand ????

Galina >>:

Я смотрю, вам народ все еще не надоело воду в ступе молоть ???
Давайте что ли пообсуждаем графики какие нибудь хотя бы.... а ???
Ну может какие по рынку идеи у кого то есть окромя Евро доллара и Евра австралийца ???
Что скажите ???

E.g. EVRA/FUNT ;) In my opinion a bit more upwards, but then downwards. Can't tell yet where exactly
Galina >>:

США. Чистый поток капитала в январе -$33.4 млрд. против $53.6 млрд. в декабре

Прямо сказать не за бакс новость то :)))
А даже и не рыпнулись !!!
Удивительно как то....
Видимо и правда решения по Греции ждут все ....
ЭЭЭЭ.... х... :(

But the pound jumped 100-odd points. And you say boring.


Look at Evra Frank!!!
Now that's hilarious!!!


But the news on activity is not bad as I understand it. The reaction to the news is supposed to come after a while. if the americans are a bit more excited than before, maybe the quid will get heavier. especially their job market seems to be hiring a lot of temporary workers in spring. Maybe we should go far north in the near future? А?

hay is straw. I meant to say to the South
Galina >>:

Вы Евра Франк гляньте лутше !!!
Вот это точно весело !!!

))) The EFSJF is a real pain in the ass, but this pair remains a mystery to me between the euro and the dorr and the franc.


Even now if you compare the Eur dollar and the Dollar franc, just look...
The eurik corrected and the franc didn't budge at all!
The franc will take its support down, mona and today.
And the eu will go to the new upper levels.
I think so.