EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1405

Alexan >>:

Вряд ли там треугольник... По крайней мере рано делать выводы. Через несколько часов увидим, может и образуется.

There is a diverging triangle there with a target of 3735. From there down to 36... Teach me how to post pictures. PLEASE.

strangerr >>:
Спокойно, крестьяне, земля будет наша.))) Только нафиг она нам нужна.)))

Do we still expect a pullback down??? Before we get to 1.3735???

You click on the button in the bottom box and choose.)

I don't expect to go down, I've already found my second bottom... and we're going to have a long upswing, I'll tell you that now there will be a pattern...


If you haven't had time to jump in - there's a chance to get a full ride tonight

Alex_Xv >>:

Откат вниз еще ожидаем??? До того как дойдем до 1,3735???

I'm only expecting upwards for now.

Momentum is finally working's all on M15...Time to take off...It's spring...the euras are coming back home...

Who can say after that that the market is influenced by traders' positions, news and other bullshit?
Good morning all...
Shall we ride the lift up?
mixo_lexus >>:
Всем доброе утро ) ...
Ну что прокатимся на лифте вверх ?

The doors are already closing.