EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1391

strangerr >>:

Простая математика 1.3795 минус 1.3725=
Сейчас вверх на 1.3760-70, а потом дальше вниз.

Do you think Galina is interested in your twenty points? Is it called going down?

At least indicate how far down, because I thought you were talking about the continuation of the trend after the correction.

gip >>:

Ты думаешь Галину твои двадцать пунктов интересуют? Это называется идти вниз?

Ты хоть обозначай насколько вниз, а то я думал ты про продолжение тренда после коррекции.

Well, I don't know what her appetite is.))
strangerr >>:

Ну, я же не знаю какой у нее аппетит.)))

It's simple maths, 1.374 to 1.5, so do the maths :)
gip >>:

Ды простая математика, от 1.374 до 1.5, вот и считай :)

I wouldn't get my hopes up for 1.5, 1.45 is realistic, and then you have to think about hard shorts.
strangerr писал(а) >>

I wouldn't get my hopes up for 1.5, 1.45 is realistic, and then you have to think about hard shorts.

Ow, ow, ow !!!
Is it really so ugly and real ????
And someone told me a couple of weeks ago that no, it's not real !!!


15:30 Canada New car sales m\m January 2.6% 0.0%
15:30 USA New York manufacturing index March 24.9 20.9
16:00 USA Sales of long term securities January 63.3bn 50.3bn
16:15 US Capacity utilisation February 72.6% 72.7%
16:15 USA Industrial production index m\m February 0.9% 0.1%
20:00 USA Real estate market index March 17 17

strangerr >>:

На 1.5 я бы не надеялся, 1.45 реально, а там надо думать о сурьезных шортах.

How do you imagine an America with such deficits and no inflation? Well, well. You probably expect parity with the euro as well? Optimists :)
Galina >>:

Ой, ой, ой !!!
Неужели так ушь и реально ????
А кто то мне эдак так пару недель назад говарил мол что нет, не реально !!!

Galina, look at the picture on the previous page. OK, for the tenth time, madam, just for you.
Galina andstrangerr congratulations to both of you!!! didn't even notice you went over 1000 :)
chepikds >>:
Galina и strangerr поздравляю обоих!!! не заметил даже, как вы за 1000 перешагнули :)

Sancto, veeri, veeri.))