EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1986

exi >>:

Тут немного подругому. Уровень доходности облигации определяет уровень рисков эмитента. При низкой доходности риски минимальны. Например облигации Сбербанка, Газпрома их доходность порядка 6-8%. Доходность гос. бумаг денежного рынка около 3%-5%.
Но существуют ОАО "Хрен знает кто", дак во ту них облигации с доходностью под 20%-60%... но такие шарашкины конторы закрываются в тот же день.

Доходность облигаций ниже банковской.

Yes, yes... Just what is the reason for the low yield of Greek bonds? The financial state of the country recall? Yeah? Such bonds with yields like that are no fucking use to anyone. And today's collapse of the euro showed that once again.

If it were otherwise, everyone would be buying Greek government bonds. But no one is looking in their direction... Fools, eh?
AlexSTAL >>:

Ну да, 3 месяца подождать и десятки фигур перетерпеть :-)))))))

I haven't seen a single piece and you say tens, but on 4n a couple of pieces that's at least 350p)

Skymaster писал(а) >>

Yes, yes... Just what is the reason for the low yield of Greek bonds? The financial state of the country recall? >> Yeah? Those bonds with yields like that are no fucking use to anyone. And today's collapse of the euro showed that once again.

If it were otherwise, everybody would be buying Greek government bonds. But no one is looking in their direction... Fools, eh?

On the contrary, everyone thinks Greece will be fine. Only Soros is panicking.... but that's normal, he always does that...and he buys it :)))
MGA писал(а) >>

I haven't seen a single piece and you say tens, but on 4n a couple of pieces that's at least 350p)

Check it out:
exi >>:

Дак наоборот все считают что у Греции все будет нормально. Только один Сорос щас бьет панику.... но это нормально, он всегда так делает...а сам покупает :)))

If I knew when he was buying, I wouldn't mind getting one)))

MGA >>:

В credit Agricole рекомендуют продавать пару евро-usd - 1.3532. падение к 1.3345!

it's not because of a gap, is it!? you're talking nonsense and proving the opposite!
as if the technical analysis is based on gaps)))) it's nothing.
here's a forecast for you, taste it!
AlexSTAL >>:


what to get acquainted with here all like in Odessa) do not see anything (dozens of figures after gep)

MGA писал(а) >>

Credit Agricole recommends selling the euro-usd pair at 1.3532. fall to 1.3345!

We've known this all morning without credit Agricole...
Alexan >>:

29 сентября 2008 года. Закрытие рынка предыдущее - 1,4613. Открытие 1,4517. Гэп частично закрыт через несколько дней на 1,4575. Полностью закрыт только в декабре того же года.
Следующий гэп 1,3771 до 1,3637 закрыт свечей на 1,3785. Гэп рано или позно закрывается. Нужно только терпение :))))

It's the same as saying that sooner or later the price will go up or down, it won't go around the gap, it will close, I agree... but it cannot be considered as a rule... I've seen EAs on this... they are 100% busts.
AlexSTAL >>:


just like when I was a kid, but - "and shadows count too"

and what's the point of arguing if this hep closes.