Cool system! - page 27

WitoHOH писал(а) >>

Hello, everyone!


Here's the stats from the demo.


Login : 183299073
Investor : 1nsoktp (read only password)

Can server IP + port
olyakish >> :
Can server IP + port

Download the terminal from their website and install it.

I have no idea what their IP is, much less the port!

WitoHOH писал(а) >>

Download the terminal from their website and install it.

I have no idea what their IP is, much less the port!


In the window write netstat then hit enter

and you need that ip where after the numbers goes :https

(if terminal is connected to the server)

ps traffic on terminal download via GPRS ....

thanks for understanding or

Technical support does not give any more.

fozi >> : or

>> Tech support does not give any more.

Is this a server demo?

WitoHOH >> :

Is this a server demo?

>> yes

fozi писал(а) >> or

Tech support doesn't give any more.

wrong account ...


in the format e.g.

I can't give you any as I don't know. tech support only gives you this kind of bullshit.

download the terminal from the website and connect

fozi писал(а) >>

in the format e.g.

I can't give you it because I don't know. tech support only gives you this kind of bullshit.

Download the terminal from the website and connect

you have no problem connecting the terminal?

yes, now connected, and on an investor