You must always set the right purpose/question for the study - page 8

TheXpert >> :

In Russian, demagogue. In Albanian, I suspect it's something like "dimogoq," so you're wrong. Unless it's in your own Russian.

What does Russian Albanian have to do with it?

you have to know the language of the trader.

Realgog is spelled with an E.

sab1uk >> :

>> what's that got to do with the russian albanian?

Heh, sorry, didn't catch that right away. No complaints about the spelling :)

Yurixx писал(а) >>

I would like to ask for the only mathematical definition of a point in the studio. I want to say right away that the definition you gave earlier is not such for the reasons I have already stated.

I will not comment statements like"a plane is also a point", "a line is also a plane", "a segment is a set of points" for the simple reason that these statements have nothing to do with mathematics at all.

The second, third and fourth definitions of a point (I warn you right away that they are not rigorous in the mathematical sense):

a point is the intersection of two lines

point is the intersection point of three planes.

point is the intersection between four three-dimensional spaces.


and so on, to infinity. I can give other definitions as well.

In order not to get into "hips" I propose to finish this philosophical-mathematical conversation and go to the conversation on the merits.

I specify the objective very strictly: to develop a system, the signals of which show the market reversal without a lag, i.e. when it happens or when it is ahead.

I have set the objective very precisely.

I suggest that you do the same. No excuses, no questions asked, no nonsense about maths, physics, etc. Your relationship with them is strained.

You want to argue with me on maths? :)) But I think it's silly to argue with you with a person for whom what I said is not a self-evident thing:))) But in general, you should have argued about this topic at university, did you skip higher mathematics? But for an understanding of whether the plane in one-dimensional space is a point, or not, I refer you to Messrs Riemann, Chebychev, Ricard, Lobachevsky, etc. Do you understand what I am talking about? :))

I marked your assertion in red, does it, excuse me, indicate that you consider yourself an expert in mathematics? :) But apparently you're actually done with understanding it at the level of geometry.

What are your excuses? I haven't claimed anything yet.

You're beginning to amuse me.

And I'm beginning to realize that not everything is so simple - something that someone can't get, it means something is missing.

You wanted the definition of a point :)) It's very simple - it's what space is made of. What is space, I expect the question... Well, it's more complicated than that.) - but look on the internet for "Riemannian space", "metric space". But oops, you surprise me more and more, why did you go into an area that no one is pulling you into, the bottle :))

In modern mathematics, Space is defined as a set of some objects, which are called its points; they may be geometric shapes, functions, states of physical system, etc. Considering their set as Space, one abstracts from all their properties and considers only those properties of their set which are determined by the relations taken into account or introduced by definition. These relations between points and certain figures, i.e. sets of points, define the "geometry" of Space When constructed axiomatically its basic properties

This is a quote. :))

So you are still unable to ask the question?

But I repeat = are you sure you need a point :))


I'll add, :))

You see how much trouble you're in... And you (in general) while simplistically looking for a solution to a question that you do not know. :))

LeoV писал(а) >>

Yeah, trading forex in a rocket flying at the speed of light is a very original approach....)))) It's called a simple word - demagoguery....)))

S, you are a professional demagogue, not a professional trader.....)))))

Demagoguery ? :)

Normal - ... oh... I'm just skating around. I just imagined myself in your place - like a dude sitting there talking about rockets flying through space at the speed of light! :)) What's Forex got to do with it? :)) Leo, that's FIVE! :))

Time is relative :))) you know. That's what physicists are idiots for. :))

Thanks, that's funny. But it's okay, don't be offended. Remember, "You can't change where you're going. Give me the Murka." :))


You have a problem with self-fulfillment, you need an audience that will listen with their mouths open and breathless and follow you wherever you lead like a herd.

That's not gonna fly. Sooner or later they ask you the question "What are you..."

And the answer is "That's it, I'm fed up, I'm leaving you..."

And so every time...

Don't you ever get tired of making trouble for yourself?

Mischek писал(а) >>

You have a problem with self-fulfillment, you need an audience that will listen with their mouths open and breathless and follow you wherever you lead like a herd.

That's not gonna fly. Sooner or later they ask you the question "What are you ...?"

And the answer is "That's it, I'm fed up, I'm leaving you..."

And that's how it is every time.

Don't you ever get tired of being shady?

I don't need an audience. :))At all.

I'm just asking you too - formulate the question... Although it's probably already clear to you. I suspect. You and the interwebs, by the way.

As long as there is no question there will never be an answer.

I don't do shady things. I didn't make any promises. I just thought it might help someone. So what I'm asking is, let's figure out what you need to know... and then there'll be a difference in the paragraphs. :)


I'm trying to guess - I'm sick of hearing this nonsense.

I'm tired of listening to this nonsense, so I have to know what to BACK up and then there will be a difference in points.

Zen писал(а) >>

I'm trying to guess - I'm sick of hearing this nonsense.

What do you need to know to BLEEP and then there's a difference in the points.


sab1uk писал(а) >>

demagogue is spelled with an O - demogogue.

With demagog - I get it, but what is a demagog? )))