You must always set the right purpose/question for the study - page 13


Here we go, closer to the body. Spectral analysis - it's not working either. What else isn't working?

Oh, well, that's me. Martin, channels, zigzags, cartoons based on 77, Fibs, not to mention Muwings, RSI, stochastics, MACD... That's a long list. What works, eh?

SProgrammer >> :

:) First of all, this is an example for people like you who do not understand how to formulate it.

And secondly - Miracle, what if the plane does turn? What if the wind does? What if the mass of the rocket changes? What if the air density changes? And if you do the same in forex, that's fine. :)

And third, if the speed of the rocket is only 100 km per hour faster than the speed of an aeroplane.

And in the fourth, there is the earth's gravity.) What you have shown is clever and smart - it applies to space :))) The earth, its gravity is not taken into account.

Where does it say that the speed of a rocket does not change? :))

Fifth :))) The Earth is round - it has to be counted in the right coordinate system and in relation to the rocket. :)

I want to put my 5 cents in the condition, because I have experience in aviation......... (I like it very much)) ) :-))

It depends on what kind of plane and what kind of missile )))

If an airliner (ceiling approx. 10km), then the speed is about 1000km/h. If it's a fighter (ceiling approx. 30km), it can reach up to 5000km/h. In other words, it flies in the atmosphere. (at most in the stratosphere), so the earth's gravity So the speed of the rocket is not 100km/h more, but five times more.

The maximum speed that can be achieved with a rocket is calculated using Tsiolkovsky's formula, which describes the velocity increment as the product of the velocity of the blast-off by the ratio of the initial and final mass of the vehicle. But on average, an air-to-air missile is 5,000 km/h (constantly changing)

The mass of both the rocket and the aircraft changes because the mass of paraffin on board is constantly decreasing as a result of jet engines (the rate of drop in paraffin mass in the tanks is directly proportional to the thrust of the engines).

Correction of course, due to displacement of flight path due to side wind is necessary. But why the correction for G-coefficient, I do not understand. After all, the flight is performed by continuously generated lifting force, we are not in free fall!

Yeah... It's impossible to solve a problem with so many conditions, because they are non-stationary. I think you can only solve it the way Yurixx did, based on a special case.

Ok, all..... sorry for the offtop, couldn't resist... :-))

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

:) First of all, it's an example for people like you who don't understand how to phrase it.

And secondly - Miracle, what if the plane does turn? What if the wind? What if the mass of the rocket changes? What if the density of the air changes? And if you count like that in forex, it is OK. :)

And third, if the speed of the rocket is only 100 km per hour faster than that of a plane.

And fourth, :))) there is the attraction of the earth :)) What you have frightfully cleverly postulated - it refers to the cosmos :))) The earth, its gravity is not taken into account.

Where does it say that the speed of a rocket does not change? :))

Fifth :))) The Earth is round - you have to count in the right coordinate system, and in relation to the rocket. :)

Read the list of coordinate systems.

This problem must also be solved in instantaneous coordinates and velocities. IN MOMENTARY, so I see. :)

In general, here's just an example of how not correctly set ( understood):) is not solved correctly.

Ha, and most importantly :)) Forgot. The initial velocity of the missile is not specified. And if it is... Anyway. Here's an example of what will happen if the question is not completely clear and correct.

But I've already written that I'm sick of this bickering. What's the point of wasting time, M. ask knowledgeable people - Leo, Sabluk, Yuri.

But the wording is 50%... If you've tried it, you may have forgotten that you were standing on a curve and you don't know what to do with it. Run it in optimizer with four of these indicators - four parameters in total. If you add an MM and right work with orders, add the system of losses minimization. And there will be a "grail". You will optimize every day, and there will be no losses. :))

But no more than 0.1 lot on eu quid. at 6000 depo.

[...] go on.


Alex5757000 писал(а) >>

I would like to put my 5 cents in as I have experience in aviation......... ( I like it very much)) ) :-))

It depends on what kind of plane and what kind of rocket))

If an airliner (ceiling approx. 10km), then the speed is about 1000km/h. If it's a fighter (ceiling approx. 30km), it can reach up to 5000km/h. In other words, it flies in the atmosphere. (at most in the stratosphere), so the earth's gravity So the speed of the rocket is not 100km/h more, but five times more.

The maximum speed that can be achieved with a rocket is calculated using Tsiolkovsky's formula, which describes the incremental velocity as the product of the velocity of the jet by the ratio of the initial and final mass of the vehicle. But on average, an air-to-air missile is 5,000 km/h (constantly changing)

The mass of both rocket and aeroplane changes because the mass of paraffin on board is continuously decreasing as a result of operation of jet engines (the rate of drop of paraffin mass in tanks is directly proportional to the thrust of engines).

Correction of course, due to displacement of flight path due to side wind is necessary. But why the correction for G-coefficient, I do not understand. After all, the flight is done by continuously generated lifting force, we're not in free fall!!!

Yeah... it's impossible to solve a problem with so many conditions because it's non-stationary. I think you can only solve it the way Yurixx did, based on a special case.

Ok, all..... sorry for the offtop, couldn't resist... :-))

G is necessary as the mass changes. And as we accelerate and manoeuvre and vertically in particular.

The coordinate system! That's the main mistake. Spherical as a minimum.

The speed of the rocket is a "what if" ... That makes more sense.

And it has nothing to do with forex.


SProgrammer >> :

Ha, and most importantly :)) Forgot. The initial velocity of the missile is not specified. And if it is... >> well, anyway.

Yeah, absolutely right. :-)). If the missile is a surface-to-air missile, the initial velocity is 0. If launched from a fighter plane, the take-off and launch velocity of the missile is approximately equal to that of the aircraft at the time of launch.

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

Ha, and most importantly :)) Forgot. The initial speed of the rocket is not specified. And if it is... Anyway. Here's an example of what will happen if the question is not completely clear and correct.

But I've already written that I'm sick of this bickering. What's the point of wasting time, M. ask knowledgeable people - Leo, Sabluk, Yuri.

But the wording is 50%... If you've tried it, you may have forgotten that you were standing on a curve and you don't know what to do with it. Run it in optimizer with four of these indicators - four parameters in total. If you add an MM and right work with orders, add the system of losses minimization. And there will be a "grail". You will optimize every day, and there will be no losses. :))

But no more than 0.1 lot on the eu quid. at 6,000 depo.

[...] next.


Don't forget the stops :) We have to pick them up. :))

SProgrammer >>

But no more than 0.1 lot on a eu quid at 6,000 depo.

That's about the same thing a person has been telling me. The point value here is 1/6000 of the depo. That's a healthy risk.

Mathemat >> :

Here we go, closer to the body. Spectral analysis - it's not working either. What else isn't working?

Oh, well, that's me. Martin, channels, zigzags, cartoons based on 77, Fibs, not to mention Muwings, RSI, stochastics, MACD... That's a long list. What works, eh?



I don't need to know what works, Ilya. I've got a lot of ideas myself. I was just curious to hear from the topicstarter at the time.

Mathemat >> :

I do not need to know what works, Ilya. I have a lot of ideas myself. I just wanted to know the opinion of the topicstarter.

the topicstarter started making money himself after he switched to fxcm.

They teach to work on reversals - they even give signals (an acquaintance said not bad).

>> maybe it's just a coincidence.