You must always set the right purpose/question for the study - page 7

didn't get it... what will be clear on it? my opinion is that the eu will stand today and tomorrow... 50-60 pips is a technical move (it will close on the opening positions of the day..., imho...)
PapaYozh писал(а) >>

1) Tick or minute. Or do you need an explanation here too?

2) If I wrote "an hour and 10 minutes", you would still ask "why so and not so?" I'll tell you a big secret, just don't tell anyone ;), that 10-15 minutes would be enough.

1) They are. Try to formulate the question, in strict terms fully defined. There is no concept of a graph in mathematics.

2) Yes, I would ask. And I'll even ask now - what time is it? Martian? Earth time. An hour for an observer on earth or an hour for an astronaut in a rocket travelling at the speed of light? These are idealistic questions, because you have not strictly defined them.

Try to formulate it strictly in terms of mathematics or physics in case of emergency.


SProgrammer, are you ignoring my questions? Or do you simply have nothing to contradict?

lea писал(а) >>

SProgrammer, are you ignoring my questions? Or do you simply have nothing to contradict?

Я ? No I'm just now, trying to explain how to set goals/questions correctly and most importantly absolutely correct. Otherwise the answers will be the same - Q: when? A:After the rain.

rain, coffee enemas, trichet ....rebzia- keep it simple, go ... into the woods,

Chop up a W-E-R-D-Y, make a fence out of those poles, plant potatoes in the vegetable garden... :-о)

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

1) Needed. Try to formulate the question, in strict terms fully defined. There is no concept of a graph in mathematics.

2) Yes, I would ask. And I'll even ask now - what time is it? Martian? Earth time. An hour for an observer on earth or an hour for an astronaut in a rocket travelling at the speed of light? These are idealistic questions, because you have not strictly defined them.

Try to put it strictly in terms of mathematics or physics in case of emergency.

Yeah, trading forex in a rocket flying at the speed of light is a very original approach....)))) It's called a simple word - demagogy....)))

S, you are a professional demagogue, not a professional trader.....)))))

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

Я ? No, I'm just now, trying to explain how to set goals/questions correctly and most importantly absolutely correct. Otherwise the answers will be the same - Q:when? A: After the rain.

are you trying to remake the world?

a cry from the soul? - no need... forcing someone to do something is a waste of time... (and nerves...)

no one understands? ( "... is life always such shit or only in childhood? - ... always..." "Leon" )

budimir писал(а) >>
rainy, coffee enemas, trichet .... be simple, go ... into the woods,

Chop up a W-E-R-D-Y, make a fence out of those poles, plant potatoes in the vegetable garden... :-о)

5 points! I love building structures :)

SProgrammer писал(а) >>
A point in mathematics has only one definition, give a second definition.
There is also such a notion as a plane, and that too is a point. But I don't want to get into such a jungle.
There's a segment, it's a set point, there's a line, it's also a plane.
But all this is already poor.

I would like to ask for the only mathematical definition of a point in the studio. I want to say right away that the definition you gave earlier is not such for the reasons I have already stated.

I will not comment statements such as "a plane is also a point", "a line is also a plane", "a segment is a set of points" for the simple reason that these statements have nothing to do with mathematics at all.

The second, third and fourth definitions of a point (I warn you right away that they are not rigorous in the mathematical sense):

a point is the intersection of two lines

point is the intersection point of three planes.

point is the intersection between four three-dimensional spaces.


and so on, to infinity. I can give other definitions as well.

In order not to get into "hips" I propose to finish this philosophical-mathematical conversation and go to the conversation on the merits.

SProgrammer wrote (a) >>
So still, if we are to be very strict, and how to be the same :) be when setting the problem. That's exactly what I propose to do.
Define the goal/question as precisely as possible.

I specify the objective very strictly: to develop a system, the signals of which show the market reversal without a lag, i.e. when it happens or when it is ahead.

I have set the objective very precisely.

I suggest that you do the same. No excuses, no questions asked, no nonsense about maths, physics, etc. Your relationship with them is strained.

LeoV >> :

Yeah, trading forex in a rocket flying at the speed of light is a very original approach....)))) It's called a simple word - demagoguery....)))

S, you are a professional demagogue, not a professional trader.....)))))

>> demagogue is spelled with an O - demogogue.