First sacred cow: "If the trend started, it will continue" - page 59

faa1947 >>:

Тренд - это направление между точкой входа и точкой выхода ТС при прибыльной позиции. Все остальное - это для ботаников.

Great, played out: the quote stream has entry and exit points along with comments from the market maker or DC itself as to whether they will match a profitable position. Aren't you confusing cause and effect, sermian?

P.S. Do pips traders also trend?

Mathemat >>:

Отлично, доигрались: на рынке есть точки входа и выхода с обоззначением, будут ли они соответствовать прибыльной позиции. Вы не перепутали причину и следствие?

And we like to mix them up...! :) :)

Lyosha, don't be a bureaucrat. Let me put it more scientifically, if you're pressed for it:

A trend is the vertical distance between points on a graph. It is a vector. The vector starts on the left, ends on the right.

Is that better? You can also (to taste) divide by time. It would be more scientific.


Mathemat писал(а) >>

P.S. Do the pipsmen trend as well?

Why? If it is small, then it is not a trend, right? Discrimination, however. Science will not support it. :)

MetaDriver >>:

Тренд - это вертикальное расстояние между точками на графике. Векторное. Начало вектора слева, конец справа.

You can draw as many of these vectors as you like on history. We're looking for something practical to use...

Dang, I even sketched out a code based on faa1947' s post:

bool enter = MarketInfo( "EURUSD", ENTER_PROFITABLE_POSITION );
if( enter )
   int direction = MarketInfo( "EURUSD", DIRECTION_OF_PROFITABLE_POSITION );
   if( direction > 0 ) OrderSend( "EURUSD", OP_BUY, ... );
   else                OrderSend( "EURUSD", OP_SELL, ... );
Mathemat >>:

На истории таких векторов можно сколько угодно нарисовать. Ищем-то практическое, которое можно юзать...

Judging by the name of the thread - we are looking for a cause-and-effect relationship between the beginning of the trend and its continuation. Well, you know as well as I do that there isn't one.

The science of statistics represented by Pastukhov-Shiryaev-Neutrona and many others, including you personally, proved long ago and with distribution charts in hand, that the trend is more likely to reverse than to continue. :)

So the sacred cow has long ago been roasted on the spit of the authorities of this forum. And they are gnawing on it for nothing here, it is even indecent somehow.



Never mind, never mind.

Mathemat >>:

На истории таких векторов можно сколько угодно нарисовать. Ищем-то практическое, которое можно юзать...

Блин, даже вот код набросал по мотивам сообщения faa1947:

bool enter = MarketInfo( "EURUSD", ENTER_PROFITABLE_POSITION );
if( enter )
   int direction = MarketInfo( "EURUSD", DIRECTION_OF_PROFITABLE_POSITION );
   if( direction > 0 ) OrderSend( "EURUSD", OP_BUY, ... );
   else                OrderSend( "EURUSD", OP_SELL, ... );


You're finally getting some common sense! :)

It remains to replace MarketInfo on a statistically advantageous indicator, and we can start a real account. // Well, plus or minus the money management, but it's all fluorine.

Azzx писал(а) >>

And by changing dynamics, what do you mean?

Look at the High and Low bars and everything will be clear. Maybe I was unclear. I'm sorry.

It's not a perfect technique. It is not. Moreover, the same effect can be achieved using other methods. E.g. crossing 10-21-EMA at 15M approx. = changing dynamics of max and min bars at 4H.

Everybody chooses what he likes.

What I mean is that you should not get too sophisticated in the trend detection technique. In any case you will miss its beginning and end. The only thing I would not advise is to work against the trend.


forexigrok писал(а) >>

The only thing I wouldn't advise doing is working against the trend.

Are you against Statistics? :)

Ay-yi-yi-yi! Shame on you! Statistics says it's safer to work against the trend. You should at least ask the starter. He'll confirm it.


MetaDriver писал(а) >>

Are you against Statistics??? :)

Ay-yi-yi-yi! Shame on you! Statistics thinks it's safer against the trend. At least ask the starter. He'll confirm it.


I'm telling you from experience. Statistics will help you when working against the trend!

I actually go against the trend, which is a correction from the main trend. Yes, so I agree.