First sacred cow: "If the trend started, it will continue" - page 56


this disruption is common to complex systems such as the forex market

TheVilkas >>:

насчет причинности, то есть выяснения в какой степени следствие B зависит от причины A, на мой взгляд

порождает много недоразумений, так как в сложной системе классическая причинность может быть

нарушена или вовсе отсутствовать, вместо нее наблюдается так наз. "петлистая" причинность,

типа "что было первым курица или яйцо" или "что в наибольшей степени влияет на рынок, настроение

рынка или экономика?"

Yes, the next round of mental development could be a shift to looping causality. For example, modern systemic NLP is quite good at "healing" people and entire organisations by unraveling and correcting these very causal loops. This model came there from cybernetics. But I think it's just a stage, too. Although it's at the forefront for now.

Besides, there are only two truly infinite things - the starry sky overhead and the search of causes on the traders' forum.


MetaDriver писал(а) >>

Yes, the next round of mental development could be a shift to looping causality. For example, modern systemic NLP is quite good at "healing" people and entire organisations by unraveling and correcting these very causal loops. This model came there from cybernetics. But I think that's just a phase, too. Although it's at the forefront for now.

Besides, there are only two truly infinite things - the starry sky above your head and the search of reasons on the traders' forum.


interesting that the squirrel is twisted and tangled, the loopist :)

And it straightens and becomes strictly consistent when denatured,

when an egg is boiled for example :)

Magnatis >>:

Но, прибыльно торговать это не мешает. Значит, на случайном блуждании тоже нет никаких препятствий для этого.

That's for sure )))) But fortunately, there is a price, which is known to take everything into account. All the fears and hopes, all the joys and disappointments of market participants. And it can be measured in blunt, impersonal numbers. And then you can buy when the market is rising and sell when it is falling. The question is: when? And for this case there is such a thing as market inertia. You should enter the market when it has already started moving in the other direction, but the trend hysteria is still going on. This will be your desired reversal point. If you write TS, based on the principles described above, the profit is guaranteed. ))) Think about how to measure what the crowd wants and do the opposite. )))
TheVilkas >>:

интресно что белок закручен и перепутан, петлист :)

и распрямляется он и становится строго последовательным когда денатурируется,

при варке яйца например :)


Here's a forum that seems consistent... if you look at the "formal-bureaucratic-(scientific?)" sequence of posts... But in essence - how many returnable thought loops.....


Two Zen disciples approach the Master:

- "Master, a colleague and I had an argument... I say the trees sway because the wind blows, but he says it's the other way round. A word of wisdom, please, to resolve our socio-logical impasse. Voting does not help us, because there are exactly two of us, and two is a very even number, which is not conducive to democracy, but on the contrary is very detrimental."

- "You are both wrong. Neither the swaying of the grass nor the wind is the cause of each other. It's just the Mind moving..."


artikul >>:

Подумайте над тем как измерить то, что хочет толпа и сделать наоборот. )))

The crowd wants to know the reasons.

:) :) :)

Avals писал(а) >>

Yes it is clear that there is a seller on the buyer. But if the buyers are in a hurry and buy on the market, they will absorb the limit orders, slipping to change prices. It all depends on how much the buyers or sellers are in a hurry to realise their demand/offer i.e. the time frame and their interests and desires (sentiment). Whoever agrees to the terms of the counterparty or changes them to something more attractive for the counterparty, drives the price. It's either the bulls or the bears.

For example, meat sellers and buyers come to the collective farm market in the morning. If by the evening there is a lot of unsold meat left, then you can expect some of them to start dropping prices at the end of the day, trying to sell their leftovers. Maybe not all at once, but looking at what one has reduced wanting to sell theirs, they will gradually reduce prices. Or perhaps one by one. How consolidated their ranks will be is still a question, but that they are able to create a local drive, it can be seen live :)

Prices on the stock markets are driven by the entry and exit of the cash. Capitalization rises or falls. The reason for the arrival or departure of the cash is in the economy, politics and the people who manipulate the minds of market participants (analysts).

faa1947 писал(а) >>

Stock market prices are driven by the entry and exit of cache. Capitalisation rises or falls. The reason for the entry or exit of the cache is in the economy, politics and the people who manipulate the minds of market participants (analysts).

Yes, these are exogenous factors (external), there are also endogenous ones. Above gave a link on spider where this was discussed

timbo >>:

Ветка для клоунов - иди резвись там.

That's not an answer to my questions. Obviously, you are simply incapable of answering :)