First sacred cow: "If the trend started, it will continue" - page 29

Magnatis >>:

Я у вас что-нибудь просил? Нет. Боитесь, что вас "обуют"? :)

you're interfering with a normal conversation. Have some respect.

Magnatis писал(а) >>

:) Do you only have enough to do in your miserable attempts to put you down? Do you drink a lot of alcohol?)

1. I think I've figured out the ordering system itself. You're just swinging. (Believe me ALL was invented before you)

2. You started the first one ("For everyone: your problem", "intellectual impotents"). Including about yachts.

3. Personally, I only wish you success - "the main thing is to sincerely believe in something" - I wrote 2 times. Just do not forget to roll over in time.

Well. that you "roll over" do not predict ..... I'm OK with "female logic" (the anecdote about "coloured invisibles" - 5+), really ... Complete with everything else.

Sim for sim. Happy "coups" :)

SergNF >>:

1. О самой системе выставления ордеров я, кажется, догадался. Вы просто свингуете. (Поверьте ВСЕ изобретено до Вас)

2. Первый начали Вы ("Для все х: Ваша проблема", "интеллектуальных импотентов"). В том числе и про яхты

3. Лично Вам я желаю только успеха - "главное искренне верить во что-то" - написал 2 раза. Только не забудьте вовремя перевернуться.

Ну а то. что вы "переворачиваясь" не прогнозируете .... Я к "женской логике отношусь" нормально (анекдот про "цветные невидимки" - 5+), правда ... в комплекте со всем остальным.

Сим за сим. Удачных "переворотов" :)

1. I don't care if it was invented before me :) And it's not the "coup de grâce" that's important, but the incentive to do it.

2. I didn't write about yachts but another citizen did. He got jumped on, like "bullshit, lies" etc, and I supported him because I understand how he trades. By the way, apparently he came up with this earlier, so another argument that I didn't invent it.

3. For wishing you success, thank you! Likewise!

Kind of like 4. Like I said - people who are shallow react very aggressively to references to someone else's success, especially if they can't understand how they got there. When you throw mud, you have less ground under your feet ;)

TheVilkas >>:

вы мешаете нормальному разговору. Имейте уважение.


I take it swinging is the end of the circus? ;)
ChachaGames >>:
Я так понимаю на слове свинг цирк закончился? ;)

People ran out of mud :) Great fun!

Magnatis писал(а) >>

People ran out of mud :) >> that was fun!

Do you have any loss-making deals or not?

This style is based on the "Taylor Trading Technique", a short-term method of trading daily price movements which relies entirely on probabilities and percentages. It is a method as opposed to a system. Very few people can blindly follow the system, although many find it easier to be driven by the system.

Because this short-term swing technique produces frequent trades, it is important to know the "right play", catch profits and look for the "true trend." Taking a loss is simply a game to improve a position. Trading is strictly for likely future results, not for what the market might do.

To know the "right play" is to know whether to buy first or sell, get out or hold. Trades are based on "objective points", which are simply the high and low of the previous day. The movement between these two points determines the "true trend".

It all seems to add up

Grand >>:
Убыточные сделки то хоть у Вас бывают или тоже нет?

There are. If someone tells you that they have no losses, they are either a fraud or an idiot.

Funny, by collective intelligence, quickly cracked :)