A trillion dollars - how much is that? - page 4

Integer >> :

Don't make a fool of yourself. This book is the original source, because in your description the text is word for word from it, p. 64.

And at the bottom of the page is the copyright of MetaQuotes, i.e. with the help of thief Maximus the company "© 2000-2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp. All rights reserved." turned out to be a thief.

timbo >> :

You thieving bastard, that's not "your verse", that's a poem by Nikolai Nekrasov. I wouldn't be surprised if the script was stolen.

If you're such a tough guy, throw your hat around, collect the tolls and DECLARE
I'm a lowly deputy director of a private security company,
I'll sit in court as a defendant - not in the first one. :-о)
to the masters timbo and zxc, I dedicate my new canvas:

Integer >> :

Don't make a fool of yourself. This book is the original source, because in your description the text is word for word from it, page 64.

Excuse me, you look in the book and you see...
I have the paper version of this book in my hands (2008 URSS edition),
I quote from page 52, first paragraph of paragraph 36:
Our problem is a special case of the general random walk problem with 2 absorbing barriers
. Historically, this problem has been posed as a game problem, called the ruin problem
, and many famous mathematicians have dealt with questions related to it. Let us formulate
problem in general form...

as seen in bold circled letters,famous mathematicians will NOT risk throwing their hat in the ring..,
except that,
they, as literate peopIe, I suspect, know the content of article 98(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure of the RF :-o)
and again, I looked through all the pages of the paper version of this book,
and again sorry, no Metakvot copyrights in this book - NO!


Maximus_genuine писал(а) >>

I dedicate my new canvas to the lords timbo and zxc:

Mr. Maximus_genuine. Have I offended you in any way? I just threw in a link to make it easier for you to find your new poems next time. And you're offended. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Is that your way of returning the favor?

I have already said many times on this forum that I am not a programmer. And as for a meaningful script: the script should not be meaningful, but useful. For example, what's the use of your meaningful but useless script. Decided to turn the Code Base into a dump like all the other topics on the forum?

zxc >> :

Mr. Maximus_genuine. Have I offended you in any way? I just threw in a link to make it easier for you to find your new poems next time. And you're offended. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Is that your way of responding to a good thing?

I have said many times on this forum that I am not a programmer. And as for a meaningful script: the script must not be meaningful, but useful. For example, what's the use of your meaningful, but useless script. Decided to turn Code Base into a dump like all topics on the forum?

Many forumers who don't consider themselves progamists have posted meaningful (and more than one!) scripts in the Code Base,

meaning you can creatively develop it and then use it to your advantage as a creative

it is written in the comments to the 'Precipice' advisor, read it carefully!

I'm sorry, the script, placed in the Code Base should immediately bring a million $$$$$$$$$, but it's the dream of a 20-year-old teenager!

Maximus_genuine писал(а) >>

Excuse me, you look in the book and see...
At me at hands the paper variant of the book (the edition of 2008.URSS),
I quote from page 52, first paragraph, point 36:
Our problem is a special case of the general random walk problem with 2 absorbing barriers
.Historically, this problem has been posed as a game problem, called the Ruin Problem
, and many famous mathematicians have dealt with issues related to it. Let us formulate
the problem in general form...

as seen in bold circled letters,famous mathematicians will NOT risk throwing their hat in the ring..,
except that,
they, as literate peopIe, I suspect, know the content of article 98(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure of the RF :-o)
and I looked through all the pages of the paper version of this book again,
Sorry again, no Metakvot copyrights in this book.

But you are showing the solution from a particular book. Nowadays, even at school and in vocational schools boys and girls are taught to make a list of references when writing an essay.

Maximus_genuine писал(а) >>

I suspect they, as literate peeps, know the content of Article 98(1) of the Russian Federation Code of Civil Procedure :-o)

Something completely out of line.

Integer >> :

Something totally out of line.

But it's completely out of bounds for those who squat at court hearings :-o)

>> and as for the problem, my EA description says it's typical and historical, sorry, but the author himself did not specify it.

no list of references in his book!

Maximus_genuine писал(а) >>

But it's totally up to snuff for those who squat at court hearings :-o)

As for the problem, my description of the advisor says that it is typical and historical, sorry, but the author did NOT list

in his book no list of references!

Zadacha a typical problem, and the author's solution and the words in the book wrote directly Comrade Mosteller (not just solved), he did all this selection. You have used this book, copied the text from it, copied the picture, and no reference to the original source (Mosteller's book).

Integer >> :

The problem is typical, and the solution is author's and the words in the book were written directly by comrade Mosteller (not just solved), he did all this collection.

I'm sorry, but you did not read the announcement of this Adviser carefully,

let's put the question another way:

who modeled this problem in MQL-language?