A trillion dollars - how much is that? - page 2

Put these pictures in the "There's something to look forward to..." thread

Yeah, that's pretty impressive.

What a billion (not dollars, just a number) is, it turns out, we can feel in our direct experience, and it is wonderful: it is the number of heartbeats in a little over 30 years (consider that the heart beats at a rate of 60 beats per minute).

But a trillion - I don't know how to imagine it yet - in a way that would fit into my life experience.


- Approximately 10^12 bacteria live on the surface of the human body

- The total amount of money spent on defence and weapons in 2004 exceeded $1 trillion for the first time in human history.

- a trillion text messages were sent by subscribers on all networks worldwide in 2005

- Google has indexed over 1 trillion web pages

- the world's population is 6.5 billion. So one trillion people is about 153 planet Earths in terms of population.

According to the Internet.

1 trillion dollars fits into a double value (8 bytes). And no football fields :)
Mathemat >> :

direct experience, and this is remarkable: it is the number of heartbeats in a little over 30 years (think of a heart beating at 60 beats per minute).

Just recently before going to bed I was thinking about this subject while listening to my beloved's heartbeat. I was wondering how many times it can beat in a lifetime....

sayfuji >> :

- Approximately 10^12 bacteria live on the surface of the human body

- The total amount of money spent on defence and weapons in 2004 exceeded $1 trillion for the first time in human history.

- a trillion text messages were sent by subscribers on all networks worldwide in 2005

- Google has indexed over 1 trillion web pages

- the world's population is 6.5 billion. So one trillion people is about 153 Earths by population.

From the Internet.

That's understandable, Ilya. Man perceives only what he is capable of experiencing by direct experience. There are about 10^28 molecules of air (i.e. oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide) swirling around us, within a radius of about meters. So what? It's such a gigantic figure for us that we can't feel it.

I remember reading Perelman's books on amusing mathematics when I was a kid. There were examples that showed how big a million was. I recently managed to understand how small a billion (heart) is. But a trillion... yeah...


Thirty years ago, micro was a gimmick, but now nano bread is being distributed.

(and pico kneading... :)))

1 триллион долларов умещается в значении формата double (8 байт).



Это понятно, Илья. Человек воспринимает только то, что он способен ощутить прямым опытом. Вокруг нас, в радиусе порядка метров, крутятся примерно 10^28 молекул воздуха (ну то есть кислорода, азота и углекислого газа). Ну и что? Для нас это настолько гигантская цифра, что мы не способны ее ощутить.

Помнится, в детстве зачитывался книжками Перельмана о занимательной математике. Там были примеры, показывающие, насколько велик миллион. Мне недавно удалось понять, насколько невелик миллиард (сердце). А вот триллион... да уж...

I used to read this kind of literature myself. Even more recently, some ten years ago, there was a series of ROSMAN books, actually science for children, but phrases like "Did you know that..." never left me indifferent))

zxc >> :

Let's start with the $100 note:

If you start with a $1 note, you get a skyscraper:)

kombat >> :

Thirty years ago, micro was a gimmick, but now nano bread is being distributed.

(And pico is mixed... :)))


I mean, paper money will pass into the next world (just type in a number and that's it).

I mean paper money will perish soon (typing a number on a keyboard and that's it). It's coming because electronic money is much easier to take from the general public (with a keyboard and maybe a mouse)... ?