Help a complete loser! - page 6


The dealing centre (broker) from whose website you downloaded the MT4 trading platform.

In this case, - MRC (

Go to their website and carefully read the terms of trade, the rules, etc.

There you will also find a link to technical support.

You may also find there a link to their technical support service.

olegspb83 >> :

Here is the picture: in red I have marked the shares I bought and which then disappeared from trading


This is Kolyan!!!!!

He came to meet me. He'll be back!

You bought a stock that continued to fall. When the amount of loss approached the amount of the deposit, the position was closed automatically.

Ways to avoid this happiness a bigger deposit and a smaller position volume

olegspb83 >> :

Thanks for the detailed explanation! Please tell me, why does the price of buying stocks change upwards? I have bought the shares at one price and the price changes after a period of time, usually after the shares have risen. Why does the price remain the same as the one I bought it for? What is a brokerage company? (I'm a real nerd, but I'm not interested in terms and acronyms.

because the price changes all the time.

So you bought quid for 36 rubles. The central bank's exchange rate is not fixed - it keeps changing.

The price you bought them at is the opening price.

and the one that changes is their price at a given second.

And the last number in the line is the loss or profit you make if you sell them in a given second.



I highly recommend this website. It's got heartwarming people..... explaining everything clearly:

There are some MT fans out there, too.

akadex писал(а) >>


I highly recommend this website. It's got heartwarming people..... explaining everything in a very clear way:

There are also fans of MT.......

I don't recommend this site. I got nothing good there :) they just talk too much.

arnautov >> :

It's Kolyan!!!!!

He came to meet me. He'll be back!

Who's Kolyan? (Which one here, - Kolyan?) And when will he be back? And why?

I don't get it.

Kolyan is a well-known "authority", every trader is probably familiar with him, his surname is Marzhev. Sooner or later he comes to collect tribute from all traders.

Got it. Got it !

Thank you.

Shniperson >> :
Kolyan is a well-known "authority", every trader is familiar with him, his surname is Marzhev. Sooner or later he comes to collect tribute from all traders.

>> Kolyan is a surname, it's Armenian.

Shniperson >> :
Kolyan is a well-known "authority", every trader is familiar with him, his surname is Marzhev. He sooner or later comes to collect tribute from all traders.

In fact, the name of this "authority" is Stepan Autov, but his patronymic is Nikolayevich.