Off-topic MT4/mql4 questions. - page 13


The first thing I would do, for whatever reason:

1) Buy a normal router, say 3COM 3CR858-91 and connect only with it

2) I would throw Vista away and get either XP or Seven.

There have been problems with realtek before at driver level, newer versions helped. But with your networking should not be a problem

Well, find a program that constantly monitors the quality of communication. Or run a ping of a public city (ISP) server and look at delays and packet losses...

I don't know about the router, but, for example, the Happer switch does not set up the LAN, I've already tried, I wanted to connect 2 cables from different providers for hope, one works, but Beeline, through which I now have the main connection, does not work.

On the subject of Vista - I agree, system is fed up, I still can't get my head around it.

Ping is checked, though a long time ago, but even then there were similar failures, delays and packet loss are within normal limits.


I'm not talking about a switch, I'm talking about a hardware router

two cables cannot be plugged just like that - it is against the architecture of IP protocols (only one gateway can be assigned at any given time) - this problem is solved differently (with specialized software or again hardware routers with two WAN ports)


How are the NICs being used, I don't understand - are they each on their own check?

It seems to be a network level problem, but I'm not really friends with Vista, so just general advice.

1 Remove network drivers. Remove any extra utilities if they came with the drivers.

2 Roll back to an older version, preferably from manufacturer's website.

3 6TO4 - uninstall, not used. In device manager turn on hidden drivers, then TCP/IP and TCP/IPv6 (SNB session) drivers for non-self devices

will not want to remove - in the registry


Create a DWORD parameter named DisabledComponents with value FFFFFFFFF

4 Local Area Connection - Properties - Configure - Advanced - Line Speed and Duplex Mode - set to 100 Fibre, check also at 10

(if 4p is helpful - cable connections should be checked)

Some software which might help - I haven't checked it, but it looks like your case, may be it will be useful with xstarter.

Stable connection )))


Exactly! There was a problem with IPv6 in Vista


Exactly! There was a problem with IPv6 in Vista

Yes, because (unkindlyOtechWho...) why put in by default something that you don't know when it will be used? MS, what can you take from them...

Useful link, thanks, but on protocols in general, here's the thing. You should only keep the ones you use.

The vast majority of them don't need anything else but TCP/IP.


How are the NICs being used, I don't understand - are they each on their own check?

It seems to be a network level problem, but I'm not really friends with Vista, so just general advice.

1 Remove network drivers. Remove any extra utilities if they came with the drivers.

2 Roll back to an older version, preferably from manufacturer's website.

3 6TO4 - uninstall, not used. In device manager turn on hidden drivers, then TCP/IP and TCP/IPv6 (SNB session) drivers for non-self configured devices

will not want to remove - in the registry


Create a DWORD parameter named DisabledComponents with value FFFFFFFFF

4 Local Area Connection - Properties - Configure - Advanced - Line Speed and Duplex Mode - set to 100 Fibre, check also at 10

(if 4p is helpful - should check cable connections)

Some software which might help - I haven't checked it, but it looks like your case, may be it will be useful with xstarter.

Stable connection )))

Thank you for the information.

I did not understand the point 1, what additional tools do you mean? I have got licensed version of Vista, including drivers, I reinstalled Vista from bootable disk, included to the computer. Did rollbacks too, doesn't help. 6TO4 - now uninstalled with no problem.

I have TCP/IPv4 now, all default settings, getting IP automatically.

On 4 point it is not clear, what to set, Maxsimum Frame Size ? I got 1514.


what additional utilities did you have in mind?

With Atheros I think there was a configuration utility... or was it with Attansic ... if not, that's fine.

On point 4.


I have a menu like this:

so I don't know what to install.


I have a menu like this:

Hmm. I can't figure it out. Here's another picture, look by analogy - where the drop-down list with speeds is.

Alternatively, it may not be there, but I don't remember it