Poll : Closed club of expert writers - who's in favour? - page 8


Completely finished, there are just a few small amenities left.


MQL is essentially an open source project and is therefore widely disseminated. If there is anything valuable in terms of trading, no one will post it. If something is valuable in terms of programming, it has already been posted. If something is written to order, it is the property of the customer. Exchange and decompiling cannot be stopped, all attempts on the contrary will increase interest in these topics.

TheXpert >> :

>> Oppa -- proof?

I remember him trying to sell someone else's stolen EAs left and right. someone said he was stupidly emailed offers to buy his mega profitable EAs.

I don't think I'm the only one who's seen it.

GarF1eld >> :

I remember him trying to sell other people's stolen EAs left and right. some people said that he stupidly wrote offers to buy his mega profitable EAs.

I don't think I was the only one who saw it.

Forget it like a nightmare, someone thought I was a bad guy and then they said I was a bad guy and I felt bad about it.


Why is everyone so quiet? )))) I haven't dumped anyone and I'm not going to get scared))))

What exactly was it you can ask xrust, there was no mention of any advisers.


Right. By way of information. http://goodservice.ucoz.ru/forum/13-1701-1

Although someone would have to answer that, too.

xrust >> :

I explain - if you make the club open, then every dog will go there, and this place of the club struggling with all of the above will be a place of distribution of broken software through links.

but if you're a moron, welcome to the neighboring topic Advisor quickly (1-5 hours) for $ 10.A script for $ 5. help the programmer, and then the man does not have time....

Are you greedy?

Soon, your "secret" codes will be able to be read on any fence, but I doubt anyone will be interested in them

because there's no basis for their use.

soon all this e-commerce nonsense will be over and ads like this: " Expert Advisor fast (1-5 hours) for 10$.Script for 5$ "- the clear proof of that.

Only it is a secret))) Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......


Why is everyone so quiet? )))) I haven't dumped anyone and I'm not going to get scared))))

>> what exactly was it you can ask xrust, there was no mention of any councillors.

http://goodservice.ucoz.ru/forum/13-1701-1#21302 =)

xrust писал(а) >>

Suggest options that you think would be best in this case

There is a variant. A branch is created on the forum, where someone from the participants is offered to accept a newcomer to the club. And some information about the newcomer.

All participants browse this thread. And if no one for a certain period of time will speak out against participation of the newcomer in the club, it may serve as an entrance ticket for the newcomer. There are closed forums that accept members in this way. If at least one member objects, the newcomer is barred entry.

nen >> :

Here's an option. A forum thread is created where a member is invited to accept a newcomer into the club. And some information about the newcomer.

All participants look through this thread. And if no one for a certain period of time will speak out against participation of the newcomer in the club, it may serve as an entrance ticket for the newcomer. There are closed forums that accept members in this way. If even one member objects, the newcomer is denied entry.

Make a separate subforum: Admission to club.

For each candidate a separate topic. The topicstarter describes the candidate + makes a vote to accept/not accept. + everyone will have the opportunity to express themselves on this