Poll : Closed club of expert writers - who's in favour? - page 10

TheXpert писал(а) >>

You don't have to separate by size. You can already cram a lot into 500 lines that you can't unravel without a pint.

The point is the content.


Then the initiator must be a person whose competence and honesty are beyond any doubt.

About lines I think everybody understood what I meant, "a chukcha from TSUM to GUM for 10000 rubles", of course it's absurd to estimate the code by the number of lines.


What's wrong with xrust? I can't say anything bad about it and I don't even know about it.) And on the reputation of the club, its weight and importance to the buyer will have to all its members to work, prove, explain. But if it will be possible, it will be worth it.

Figar0 >> :


A few pages earlier, I suggested shifting the emphasis, in favour of an "Honest Expert Writers Club", a kind of quality mark. Buying a product with the "mark" of a club member, confirmed by expert assessments of its other members, the user will to some extent be protected from fraud. Of course, it will not eradicate all human vices, and therefore the goals and objectives you suggested in the first thread do not cancel it. There must be a complex. But on the whole, it will be more correct than to be friends with the consumer, whatever he is, there are not many others yet. Sooner or later people will try to join us).

For a start - we need to determine the cost of the work.

About this much has been said, and all under the table.

We have been talking a lot about it for a long time, and it's all up to the cat's end.

So, everything you said is not for this place.

However, the word union is already hanging in the air
Mischek >> :
But the word union is already hanging in the air


Figar0 >> :

But if it works, it will be worth it.

Sorry to interfere, your project could either be political, with union club members donating their man-hours to the fight against theft for the sake of making life harder for the latter

or an economic one, where the time spent will indirectly result in income from what is not stolen. Concerning the latter, with my modest experience I have serious doubts, but to do it for the sake of complicating the life of freeloaders

For a long time I think nobody can. Sincerely on your side but I don't know what to advise.

four2one >> :


what do you mean?

>> or some kind of joke.


Union is a union, it's a word that comes up too) Dibs on me collecting membership fees)


And issues of fair pricing will also need to be addressed, questions have accumulated a lot ...

Just look around, users unite, plenty of places where experts test, illegally distribute, take apart, and to the extent of their often limited understanding hang labels like "leakers", "scam", etc. And programmers just stare, of course, they are not very "herd-like" by nature, but still... Before the wheel?:) It's necessary to create some kind of hierarchy, but it's not a quick question, it's necessary to move thoughtfully, progressively, amicably in the chosen direction and not to expect a quick return in a week...

Figar0 >> :

By purchasing a product that has been "branded" as a club member, confirmed by expert reviews by other club members, the user will be somewhat protected against fraud. .....

I propose that in addition to the club create "independent" rating agencies, and then this advisor with the branding
>> and with detailed instructions, what to do with the members of the club?

Figar0 >> :

What's wrong with xrust? I can't say anything bad about him, and I don't even know). And the reputation of the club, its weight and importance to the buyer will have to be worked on, proven and explained to all its members. But if it works, it will be worth it.

Me too, in principle, if my imho interests.

The trick is, the farm has to be done, otherwise it's just going to get ****ed up. If you have the time and agree -- great.

Yeah....... You guys have a great sense of importance.