Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 30

TheAsian currency unit (ACU) is a currency unit introduced in 2006. The ACU is intended to reflect theshare prices of the monetary units of 13 countries in the region, and may eventually become the Asian equivalent of the euro.
Prival писал(а) >>

Well, enlighten me, what happens to the bonds in case of a default, if they become worth the price of the paper on which they are printed. How would america pay me back? what assets would be pledged as collateral for the deal, besides my "honest" word?

This is the price (paper) that you have to pay, you have assumed the risk yourself, when you bought the paper. A default has to happen for that to happen and it is not expected.


about the default, I don't know who to believe in Demura or the forums)

По мнению Демуры, кризис достигнет своего «дна» к 2014 году, будет длиться несколько десятилетий, в Америке грядет дефолт, а доллару грозит девальвация.

Demura sees debt overproduction as the cause of the global financial crisis.

FION писал(а) >>

This is the price you will get (the papers), you took the risks yourself when you bought them. But for that to happen, a default would have to happen, which is not expected yet.

I'm not trying to spite you. I'm just trying to make sense of it. Let's say I buy the stock, the firm goes bankrupt. The trustee sells off assets. something will come back, the bank has assets. buildings, offices, etc.

Taking bonds thinking the U.S. economy is the largest in the world. Your words. Are we buying into this economy? No. In a default they won't cut off a piece of arizona (silicon valley), i.e. we are buying an asset that is backed by a "word of honour" - a merchant's.

I'm just sitting here thinking, I started the printing press, printed the necessary paper money, bought real assets, land, production facilities, controlling interests, etc. And then I told everyone to go fuck themselves... I defaulted. What have I got to lose? A good name? I never had one. Assets? No, I got them all. I bought them up.

But I'm losing my debts. I don't have any debt service claims on me. I forgive everyone I owe, and if they say 'no', I will print two more bags and let them go.

Russia defaulted in 1998. Is that the end of the world?

I think it is the best way out for america. But you have to prepare your citizens for it and find someone to blame. It's all in the bag.

FION >> :

Everyone needs it - for mutual settlements. The gold equivalent is not necessary, it is enough - objectively assessing all assets.

Nobody needs it because "objective valuation of assets" is translated into Russian as: "to put goats in the garden". In a market economy, there can only be subjective misinformation valuation, the benefits of which are now being reaped in the global economy.

Prival >> :

I don't mean to spite you. I just want to get this straight. Let's say I buy shares. All the firm is bankrupt. The manager sells off the property. something will come back, the bank has assets. buildings, offices, etc.

Sale of assets only if they are available. For example, the office of the "New-Your Times" newspaper, in case of bankruptcy of the newspaper, its shareholders will not get anything at all, because the newspaper itself has huge debts on loans. In other words, the shareholder can claim only what will be left after the payment of all the taxes and creditors, because the shareholder is a part-owner of the joint-stock company. In the case of American companies, the shareholder will not even get any waste paper from the shares, because everything which still belongs to these very shareholders is in the depositories.

Prival >> :

Taking bonds thinking the US economy is the biggest in the world. Your words. Are we buying a piece of that economy? No. In a default they won't cut off a piece of Arizona (Silicon Valley), i.e. we're buying an asset that is backed by a "word of honour" - a merchant's.

No. In the case of bonds, there is a loan to the US state. And in the US the government owns next to nothing, which means there is private ownership all around, including the Fed.

In the event of a default nothing will be cut off. Something will be cut off of course only if you have invested your investor's money in these very bonds, i.e. the investor himself will take care of cutting off what he thinks are the odds and ends.

Prival >> :

There was a default in Russia in 1998. and what's the end of the world ?

No, the world did not end, but taxpayers had to pay off their GKO debts.

Yura, what is the conclusion. is the default beneficial for america or not?
Prival >> :
Yura is the conclusion. is the default good for america or not?

The USA, as in previous similar crises, is trying once again to change the rules of the game in its favour, despite the fact that it has nothing to hide. They will not officially recognise the default if it is defacto. As a last resort, they will unleash another war in order to defuse the mood on the stock exchanges and pull the cat by its already shabby tail.