Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 35

The fish is stewing from the head:

Б. Obama: US financial system could collapse !!!


B.Obama said he was unaware of such serious economic problems, especially job cuts, when he took office as president of the country, the Associated Press reported, citing US media.

US Senator D. Gregg: B. Obama's programme will bankrupt America


J.Gregg argued that the money available to the government should be spent sparingly and not made available to all.
timbo писал(а) >>
Yurixx wrote >>

Talked to my cousin yesterday, who has lived in America for 20 years. He is as pro-American as Timbo. He says interesting things.

For example, queues at gun shops. People rush to buy guns and ammo. Or another thing: the Congress has passed (or is about to pass - I do not understand) a law, which has retroactive force and is directed against a particular group of people. For the States, this is an unprecedented and unconstitutional case. We are talking about that 150 billion bailout AIG received from the government. The top managers have received huge bonuses from this amount, which is contrary to the law, because this is public money. Now, they are going to rectify this situation retroactively by levying a 90% tax on this income.

Fun life there ! :-))) And why this is good and right will tell us Timbo.

Here's your full quote. You can clearly see that "didn't get it" refers solely to "accepted or about to accept", and the nonsense about a group of people and unprecedentedness sounds absolutely affirmative.

I see you are a master of quote manipulation. Instead of responding to the substance, once again you fuss over trivialities.

"group of people nonsense" - for the especially gifted let me clarify: top managers of bankrupt companies who received bonuses from public money are a group of people. AIG is only a special case here.

About unprecedentedness - I could just quietly and modestly correct. My brother is no expert on American history. Once again, for the truly gifted, this entire paragraph is a paraphrase of my brother's words. Timbo, you must have a problem with Russian. I think it's clear as day, read it again. Just unclench your teeth, your face is all messed up.

Finally, I regret to inform you that I'm sick of your squirming. It's not a polemic and it's not a position. You want to get out at any cost? Be my guest. I'll let you go on your merry way.

With my best wishes.

GOLD The average price for 1990-2002 is $320,
today $951... What's next? Or who is who?

Бумажные “AMERO” к весне заменят доллар!?

Colleagues, don't make me reread everything, answer a simple question - has anyone already written that spring is here, or should I wait?

To Yurixx.

For example, the queues at gun shops...

Yuri hello, good to see you! This is a normal reaction to the "total BLEEP" that Americans see every day, read every day, hear every day, ... From disaster movies to business news. WO is simply everywhere, total WO - created by someone "one" and multiplied many times by millions of "moCks". And the twists and turns are a scary thing, they're the ones that control the muscles, so something is bound to happen ... :o(

Also - they are practical, business-minded people. We buy sugar, salt, matches - they are weapons, if they have weapons they will have salt, sugar etc. :o)

grasn >> :

Colleagues, don't make me reread everything, answer a simple question - has anyone already written that spring is here, or should I wait?

To Yurixx

Hi Yuri, good to see you! This is a normal reaction to "total BLEEP" that Americans see every day, read every day, hear every day, ... From disaster movies to business news. WO is simply everywhere, total WO - created by someone "one" and multiplied many times by millions of "moCks". And the twists and turns are a scary thing, they're the ones that control the muscles, so something is bound to happen ... :o(

Also - they are practical, business-minded people. We buy sugar, salt, matches - they are weapons, if they have weapons they will have salt, sugar etc. :o)

Having read many different sources, I can responsibly state that in addition to weapons, they buy matches, salt and seeds... (batteries, canned food, water...).

Basically just look at what happened to New Orleans after Katrina to fully understand their logic.

sol >> :


Basically, you only have to look at what happened to New Orleans after Katrina to fully understand their logic.

It is not possible to understand the logic, and not even completely, but it is possible to analyse the mistakes made.

By the way I was there in summer, it was like Katrina never happened, the city was cleaned up, it became beautiful as before, living a full life.

Galaxy >> :

It is not possible to understand the logic, and even completely, but it is possible to analyse the mistakes made.

I was there in summer, it's not so bad, Katrina is cleaned up, the town is beautiful as it was before and it lives a full life.

I mean the first days, when the guards were far away and looters with guns actually owned the city.

Prival >> :

how strange it is to read the same information backwards. You yourself explained to me, yields will go up if people get rid of bonds. (Which is why yields are going through the roof.)

It says three times they failed to break through the 3% level, i.e. people are getting rid of them, but the Fed is not letting them go, which it explicitly states it will buy them back. So it turns out that America's creditors no longer believe in the economy and are getting rid of the bonds.

You said it yourself for a couple of pages and now it's the other way around. You are a techie, think about it.

B.S. No matter what they say about the power and might of America, there is no smoke without fire.

To recap:

- Yields go up when the price goes down.

- The price falls not only when investors sell bonds, but also when they keep buying (all new bonds printed by the FR, not the same bond from each other), but do not agree to pay the high price. There is no question of "getting rid of" at all. If investors start getting rid of them, the price will simply collapse as there will be no one to buy the bonds.

- The FR has said it will buy back some long bonds, i.e. an artificial shortage is being created, which means the price is going up.

By the way, a very good decision in my opinion, and it is not at all certain that the machine will be switched on. Many long bonds were issued a long time ago with a very high coupon, i.e. today the FR is paying too much for those old debts. He can borrow today at a low interest rate, and use the money to buy back old bonds with a high coupon. They have to pay a higher price now, but in the long run they save a lot. For example, you have a flat mortgage with a fixed 15% interest rate, but the situation in the world has changed and you can refinance your loan in another bank already at 10%, your expenses will be a penalty for cancelling the first contract.

nkeshka >> :
GOLD the average price for 1990-2002 was $320,
>> today $951... >> what next? Or who is who?

So? And oil in '98 was about $12 a barrel, and today it is 4 times higher, i.e. it has risen steeper than gold. Salary in Moscow in '90 was $10-20 a month, today it's a matter of luck.

Yurixx >> :

The "group of people" nonsense - for the particularly gifted I will explain: the top managers of bankrupt companies who received bonuses from public money are a group of people. AIG is only a special case here.

Tax legislation in such a case is always directed against "groups of people", because investors pay less tax than workers, pensioners often do not pay at all, employees of state hospitals can pay a reduced tax. The population is divided into small groups and their taxation is very different. Why the pathos about "a group of people"?

You grabbed the news at the top of your head and started blathering on about something you don't know and now you're making it up.