Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 29


That's not the angle you need to look at once you've made up your mind.

Bonds of industries in the world are secured by production capacity and so on....

But the bonds of USA are secured :)

BARS >> :

Bonds of industries in the world are secured by production capacity, etc. provision...

And here are the bonds of the USA what are secured :)

The Americans have started the printing press. This has been officially acknowledged by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke

BARS писал(а) >>

That's not the angle you need to look at once you've made up your mind.

Bonds of industries in the world are secured by production capacity and so on....

But USA bonds are secured by what :)

Don't forget that the US economy is the largest in the world. For now, the client is alive and everyone will be better off if he starts to recover. Another thing is whether it is worth trusting it so much now. A very realistic scenario is the creation of an alternative reserve currency.


I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, not about their idea, not about SSB :(

FION писал(а) >>

Don't forget that the US economy is the largest in the world. For now, the client is alive and everyone will be better off if he starts to recover. Another thing is whether it is worth trusting it so much now. An alternative reserve currency is a realistic scenario.

But it seems to me that these bonds are not backed by anything except the word of honour. And it's up to each investor to trust the word of America.

Suppose there were to be a default, like in 1998, would the US pay with its production capacity? >> i don't think so.

Prival писал(а) >>

It seems to me that these bonds are not backed by anything but "word of honour". It's up to each investor to decide whether to take the word of America or not.

Suppose there were to be a default, like in 1998, would the US pay with its production capacity? i don't think so.

The key word is "think".

FION >> :

An alternative reserve currency is a realistic scenario.

Who needs this reserve currency idea apart from the USA?

After all, whether the current R.V. or an alternative R.V. - is a scam. Whoever runs the printing press will screw everybody, i.e., they will again be churning from crisis to crisis with slogans: "We are in the same Titanic".

The only thing that will happen is that the countries will make a fuss and go back to international settlements in gold. Moreover, there is no problem to organize electronic payments with the yellow metal in the XXI century.

Reshetov писал(а) >>

Who besides the US needs this reserve currency thing anyway?

Everyone needs it - for mutual settlements. A gold equivalent is not necessary; it is enough to objectively value all assets. Derivatives should be banned. Reserve currencies could be created initially as regional currencies. Like the euro, for example. Similar currencies could be created in Asia. For instance, among SCO countries plus India.


What is the point of bothering?

Asians do not benefit at all from having a strong currency ... They have a lot of export production.

FION писал(а) >>

The key word is "seems".

Well, enlighten me, what would happen to the bonds in the event of a default, if the price of the bonds becomes equal to the price of the paper on which they are printed. What will the america pay me ? what assets are the collateral for this deal, besides the word of honour ?