Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 14

sab1uk >> :


You don't need Putin, just be glad he's not Zhirinovsky.


Funny reservation, it says a lot... Russia's commander in chief is Medvedev, not Putin.

timbo >> :

Funny reservation, it says a lot... The Commander-in-Chief in Russia is Medvedev, not Putin.

it is not a reservation

Personally, I originally perceived Medvedev as Putin's interim deputy so as not to violate the constitution

Medvedev proposed an amendment to the six-year term so that Putin would be less likely to have to go through the formalities of re-election.

I don't care if we have a constitutional monarchy.

and all the pro-American scum like Nemtsov and the rest of the Madafaks won't get power.

What fucking president? What war, what Middle East, f...? Fucking blowjobs! Wankers, faggots, f...!
Figar0 >> :

Ooh... you also remember the Battle of Kulikovo, a showdown in an open field)

Russia has proved, America has proved, it's all nonsense... All these governments, presidents, parliaments, are the same, they all fight for power, all poke fun at the financial elites, whose stooges they are, all pursue the same goals, and even the same methods differ only in capacity, all lie, call black black white, all say nice words and promises that cannot be believed.... Of course theirs is better from their point of view. But who is good and who is bad? They are all the same, there is nothing to divide...

Putin and Co. really want you to think that they say that everyone is the same, that America is not better, that the Kremlin is as ugly as they are, i.e. there is no need to worry. But no American president would dream of such a thing, even in his wildest dreams:

sab1uk wrote (a) >>

That's not a reservation.

Personally, I personally perceived Medvedev as a temporary deputy of Putin so as not to violate the constitution.

Medvedev proposed an amendment for a six-year term so that Putin would be less likely to have to go through the formalities of re-election.

I don't give a shit if we have a constitutional monarchy.

Stupid americans will not allow themselves to be screwed so cheaply. But the highly educated Russians are even proud of it.

"As in the conservatory, at the feast of consonances,

the violinists argued over whose bandits were cooler."

The outcome of the whole conversation is one thing: a sharp strengthening of the rouble.
timbo писал(а) >>

Putin and co. really want you to think that everyone is the same, that America is no better off, that the Kremlin is just as ugly as the Kremlin, i.e. don't bother. ...

Stupid Americans won't let themselves be screwed so cheaply. But highly educated Russians are even proud of it.

That's a very dangerous delusion. The same great-power rhetoric, a belief in their own exclusivity, great importance, and their own single truth. As a consequence of giving yourself the right to decide everything and for everyone, even from a position of strength. Stop it. They have it all the same, maybe poses are a little different, but for some reason some people at the same time prefer to wear rose-coloured glasses, or maybe it's not so scary, or maybe it's a fetish. And regardless of the pose, ordinary people are always at the bottom...

You said about Afghanistan, saying that Americans protect Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. But ask yourself, did they ask the Americans to do that? What are the Americans doing in Afghanistan if two thirds of Americans do not even know where this is?

Why is the right to self-determination a right of a nation in Kosovo, and the territorial integrity of Georgia in South Ossetia and Abkhazia?

Why was it necessary to kill tens of thousands of Iraqis to punish Hussein for killing 148 Shiites and to plunge Iraq into civil war and chaos for years? Why was it necessary to lie to our own people about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

Why is it possible to arm not the most adequate Saakashvili, but to be so irritated by Russia's ridiculous military cooperation with the same Chavez?

Why Obama promises to start negotiations with Iran from scratch without any preconditions, but has already prolonged sanctions against Iran?

Think and honestly answer yourself these questions... They are all in the same world. And if we are talking about it, let's call things by their proper names, everyone has their own interests, and these interests are much closer to the "body", hence the disagreements. I am glad that the United States finally has a sane president; there is a chance to improve relations between the countries somewhat. And Russia and the United States are doomed to be friends and cooperate, because they cannot go to war, I hope this is clear on both sides.


AMERICANS like to say "stupid" ...


Why do we live like this - we buy foreign cars which they screwed up and sold to us?

driving on crumbling roads etc.

We have nothing to offer to the world but coal, gas and oil ...



who's the fool then?


It seems to me that the level of a country determines the intelligence of a nation.


It's always been hard in Russia.

It's hard to live cold.

That's why the fittest survive.

hence the "Russian wit"

We've been trained by nature and our tsars

♪ dodging the used to be ♪

timbo писал(а) >>

I will not conduct my own research, I have enough of the opinions of Russian military experts, who have already repeatedly said that the missile defence in the Czech Republic can in no way affect Russian defence capabilities.

Azerbaijan, as well as the whole Central Asian part of the FSU, is an area of instability. The story with the Manas base in Kyrgyzstan proves it. The joint BMD with Russia is nonsense, Russia has repeatedly proved that its power is unpredictable and inadequate.

For your information, I am one of the experts (military + radar specialist). You should first study what defence capability is (translation for those who have forgotten - it is the ability to defend oneself). What we had, and what we still have.

Taking a compass and drawing a circle with a radius of 2-3 thousand kilometres on the map is an impossible task for you)))

If I were Medvedev, I would not place it in Kaliningrad, they have enough to respond to, and without Iskander.

In Cuba, under the pretext of defending America from terrorists, that is where they should be. They are so afraid of terrorists)). And we will help them protect them + protect Cuba + everyone there.

Remind you. What was it like when they put something like this in the neighbourhood of America? Why are you trying to convince us that it was all humane and for a noble purpose? The whole of America was pissing in the ferry.

>> I'm tired of explaining simple truths to you, you were a philistine and will die a philistine.

YuraZ >> :

It's always been hard in Russia.

It's hard to live cold.

so the fittest survive.

hence "Russian ingenuity"

We've been trained by nature as well as our tsars.

to dodge the f....lees we're used to.

So it is much warmer and easier to live in Finland, Canada, Iceland and Scandinavia? Moscow and St. Petersburg have a very cold climate and the Krasnoyarsk region is freezing.

The national hero Levsha hacked up a British flea - a fine work, but it stopped dancing, i.e. Levsha spoilt the fine mechanism. What kind of ingenuity are you talking about?

Figar0 >> :

Think about it and answer these questions honestly. They are all in the same world.

The good or bad decisions of American presidents are more often than not aimed at improving the lives of Americans. The result is obvious - Americans live better than Russians. What are Russian presidents' efforts aimed at? Or are they just unlucky with the people, and are presidents just as bad as those in America?