Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 9

timbo >> :

"Uncomplicatedly explanatory in nature" means that it lends itself well to a mass media rut of rabidly obtuse anti-Americanism. Everything that is bad for America is good for many here personally. Ask them why, they can't articulate it. Uncomplicated doesn't mean right.

For people in their right mind, rabid and stupid is considered pro-Americanism. There are fewer and fewer people willing to support the American slogan: "We are all in the same Titanic ...".

timbo >> :

You can assume I have a deep understanding of the subject. The article is crap. In this version someone has thought of cutting off the end, where the author unobtrusively sells his real estate as the only means to save himself in a crisis.

"Uncomplicatedly explanatory in nature" means that it lends itself well to the mass-media rut of rabidly stupid anti-Americanism. Everything that is bad for America is good for many here personally. Ask them why, they can't articulate it. Uncomplicated doesn't mean right.

There are no sheep on this forum by and large! So it's an absolutely useless task to try to sell something to somebody! The logic of cause-and-effect relationships in this article is quite reasonable and well-reasoned. And the angle of view, under which the information is presented, is quite aggressive, so what the hell! As for stupid anti-Americanism, we have brains to see the truth in all variety of contradictions and opposing opinions, and not to become such a plank pseudo-patriot!
It is not a question of how bad it will be for America, but what exactly will it do to everyone else?

The Titanic was sailing on the ocean
Per like Tanya to the buffet.
Except this Tanya
Doesn't have that much dope after all.

He's got four pipes,
And Tanya has only one.
And the world's steamboat
There's not a tougher boat in the world!

There's a man and a woman on the bow,
Doing something together.
He and the woman are like birds.
They're circling a body of water.

# Suddenly an iceberg popped up from underneath #
# An iceberg popped up from underneath # Habaosh!
Let's get the board for examination!
Who's the temp? Get down!

But Titanic's not a weak horse.
He kicked the iceberg!
# Only a man and a woman fell
♪ Off the bow and into the water from the push ♪

A submarine comes up.
There's a Nazi cross on board.
That's the worst picture I've ever seen
For two thousand miles around!

Two torpedoes fired...
Don't rub it in yet!
They're blowing something up
But the Titanic doesn't care

♪ There's the sound of a ballistic missile ♪
"The ballistic missile's still
That's our friendly Khrushchev
Our friendly Khrushchev.

But the ship doesn't care,
It's going straight ahead.
That missile hits
Right into a woman and a man.

♪ I'm not being mean, guys ♪
♪ I'll tell you what I think ♪
You've done enough, both of you!
♪ And you've got your nose in the grill ♪

There are no sheep on this forum by and large!

Oh yeah? For some reason this article is cited by almost every third person, but the Nemtsov-Milov articles are never cited. Please raise your hand to people with an economics background... But all of them are deep economists. You don't need brains to run optimization until your cpu turns red, and you don't need brains to abuse your computers either.

Free will. If you want to believe that the article is well-reasoned, be my guest. If you're still confused by someone calling this article crap, you can try reading something else.

timbo >> :

Oh yes? For some reason, almost every third person refers to this article, but no one ever refers to Nemtsov-Milov articles.

Probably nobody is interested in reading Nemtsov and Milov?

Nobody here forbids posting links to articles on politics and economics, as long as they relate to the FA or so.

If you find the material interesting, drop us a link, we'll read it in our own time and maybe even give an opinion.

timbo >> :

Please raise your hand to people with an economics background... But all deep economists...

don't be ridiculous, look at the lists of leaders of the CHAMPIONSHIP Mql, who has an economics background???? N-I-C-O-G !!! Now another list (sorry, I write it in Russian) :

Lehman Brothers, AIG, UBS, Commerzbank (Germany) ............................. This list could go on and on, and I suspect that the people

I suspect that the people in charge of these companies had higher educations in economics :-)


Timbo reads Pelevin's junkie stuff and knows everything about everyone))

Here's a quote from your clownish Nemtsov-Milov Report: "Putin. Results."

Абсолютно неоправданно ухудшились отношения России со странами Запада. Запад - наш естественный партнер, открытый для сотрудничества с Россией. Как ни пытаются превратить нас в азиатскую страну противники интеграции с Западом, Россия - органичная часть европейской цивилизации. Западная модель открытого демократического общества и рыночной экономики - единственная подходящая для нас общественная модель развития, обеспечивающая высокий уровень жизни людей (богатые нефтью арабские княжества с микроскопической численностью населения не в счет). Западные демократии представляют наименьшую потенциальную угрозу для России - они никогда не нападали на другие демократические страны. США, которых власти очевидно считают главным противником, вообще никогда не нападали на Россию и во всех войнах были нашими союзниками. Государствам Запада принадлежит решающая роль в установлении нового миропорядка, сложившегося в мире после Второй мировой войны. Восстановление разрушенной войной Западной Европы по плану Маршалла и превращение ее в образец процветания для остального мира - результат плодотворного трансатлантического альянса между Европой и США, присоединение к которому должно стать стратегической целью России.


I suggest that the thread be renamed to:
Leontiev,Nemtsov-Milov will replace (what's his name...?) Bzezinskiby spring!?
Why not?
timbo >> :

Oh yeah? For some reason this article is cited by almost every third person, but the Nemtsov-Milov articles are never cited. Please raise your hand to people with an economics background... But all of them are deep economists. You don't need brains to run optimization until your cpu turns red, and you don't need brains to abuse your computers either.

Free will. If you want to believe that the article is well-reasoned, be my guest. If you're still confused by someone calling this article crap, you can try reading something else.

I haven't read anything else! I have a meaningful reading rate of a thousand pages in ten hours. What the average person does in half a year, I master in a day! So, in terms of education, I have an ability that no one, who is immeasurably proud of this education, would ever dream of! And by the way it was proved a long time ago that people with technical and mathematical education are hundred times more useful at the same Forex market than economists full of grandeur and blowing off the score! And in the context of Russian reality they are mostly intellectual rubbish, for which the red price is the salary of a supermarket clerk!

And comparison with Nemtsov and Milovoy is simply incorrect, as, for example, the penguin with a mobile phone, they quite expertly analyze this world but in some other aspects of being!


Yes, what an interesting time it is. People are going for broke not only with their capital but also with their reputations, and hopefully they will make it to Olympus in these tumultuous times.

In an era when the public eats anything bloody. In a word, either Buffet is wrong, or Leontiev is. Too bad only one is right.