Who wants a strategy? Lots and for free) - page 40

Reshetov >> :

Moreover, my computer, which is the selection of strategies, without a monitor, ie, only the system unit. I access it through a remote desktop on the LAN. Convenient, because there is no need to move anywhere, distractions. Mice and keyboards don't get tangled, either. Not to mention saving on monitors.

Oh, yeah =)) It's like our dorm (ah, we thought we were the only ones in the world))) ) =))) three computers one dead old monitor =))

Personally, I have a Personal and a laptop, no particular difficulty (not convenience). =))

V.V.P.Net >> :

Oh, yeah =)) It's like our dorm (ah, we thought we were the only ones in the world))) ) =))) three computers one dead old monitor =)))

Personally, I have a Personal and a laptop, there is no particular difficulty (not convenience). =))

The laptop is good for trading as it has decent battery life in case of a power outage or to lug it from place to place. But to do something on it, it's not comfortable because you have to connect a normal keyboard and a normal mouse. Therefore, system units connected via LAN and controlled via a remote desktop are the best solution for working on PCs. In addition, system units can be upgraded in terms of hardware, while laptops can only be replaced by another model, not to mention the price.


The laptop and the unit each handle differently... thick or long.... :)

I don't understand why ssb 3.01 periodically displays the analyzed currencies and timeframes differently?

zfs >> :

I dont understand why ssb 3.01 has different output of analysed currencies and timeframes?

This is a strange question. It would be surprising the other way around, i.e. if the project declared for strategy selection and sifting out unsuccessful ones, would serve as a static archive, like Code Base

Here are viruses flying from the depository :(. When I test it I get one virus, who has already started with this program, send me their strategy with a virus and I will be fine. I have never tried it and I believe it will work. I have never tried to show good profit on few pairs without optimisation, I have found better and worse results with optimisation. Kudos to Yuri :)
danja >> :
Here comes the viruses from the depository flying :(. When I test it I get one virus, who has already started with this program, send me their strategy with a virus and I will be fine. I have never tried it and I believe it will work. I have never tried to show good profit on some pairs without optimisation, I have found better and worse results with optimisation. Kudos to Yuri :)

The virus will not be able to break through the repository as there is very little textual information exchange. In addition there is an antivirus on the host. And SSB will drop your server and break connection in case of data corruption.

And what file was pointed by your antivirus? Can I see the logs?

danja >> :

When testing, the antivirus highlighted one virus, can anyone already make do with this program, send their strategy with the virus and order?

I ran an anti-virus on the site as a precaution. Nothing suspicious has been found.

Didn't point specifically to the file from the depository, said the file from the system32 folder, maybe the file got separated ah, maybe I was stupid. Sorry I scanned the whole computer today. I can't send the log as I'm writing from my phone now. No proof of words.
Reshetov >> :

This is a strange question. It would be surprising the other way round, i.e. if a project declared to select strategies and weed out non-perspective ones served as a static archive, like Code Base

I may have misspoken. Yesterday I opened ssb but eurjpy was not present, today it appeared... There has to be some logic... some...

zfs >> :

I may have misspoken. Yesterday I opened ssb for example there was no eurjpy, today it appeared... There has to be some logic... some...

SSB clearly has nothing to do with it as it only controls the terminal tester. Look at the logs and find out when and where you got another instrument.