Moderators! Will someone please stop sabluk. Littering all the threads with his pictures. - page 4

bidrio >> :

I'm for taking Sabluka off the ban.

stop asking for a grown man, he can send a private message to the moderators himself

The first ban is a misunderstanding, the second is a system

again, the mat is inaudible, is it hard for a literate person to replace the "e" with the "@" or "y" with "%", there are girls and just young people, and not young people who are tired of foul language

Again, you can always apologize, which he flatly refused, so do not make an apologetic begging face for another


KimIV писал(а) >>

Лучше сказать многогранный... или разный... у каждого из нас не одно лицо... так-что лучше на себя посмотрите!

No, I meant it in a bad way, you're two-faced.

I remember it was written

Sanya, there was the word 'pissed off' in there. It's an emotion... negative... What good are they to anyone? You should get banned...

Didn't you look at the fact that I'd just been snapped at earlier?

It's like the old fable, "I didn't even notice the elephant."

I told you before, "a dog that feeds its master doesn't bite".


What about the deposit if a grown-up loses it? Should we all get together and go and ask him for it?

Even though he is a subtle humorist, he lost his deposit this time, he needs time to recover


Whether or not to ban him is up to the moderators, and I don't care much about the traffic either.

And from the reader's point of view, the blatant rudeness outweighs all the entertainment and educational value.

I personally gave up reading his posts a long time ago.

The situation seems to be escalating, it's become a personal statement. That's flubbing. And to me honestly sometimes cats lifted the mood. moderators and administration advice to create fdulova topic and attach it. And moderate posts, say, moved the thread to flood, as in other forums do. If you are an expert in programming (not all of them), many people are engaged in trading for years, but sometimes you just want to fool around in a branch or talk about something abstract from trading.

Humanity is divided into two categories - those who hold the underground door open and those who don't.

Vomiting foul language in a forum, spray-painting walls or driving a rusty nail through a brand new foreign car are the lot of lowly people who haven't created anything worthwhile themselves.

Moderating a forum is a way of shielding visitors from cackling ignorance.

Rich >> :

Spamis a mass, non-personalised, programme-driven, commercial, political or advertisements or other types of messages to people who have not expressed a desire to receive them.

I liked it with my unlimited. Should I be banned too?

With your no-limit, you can look at pictures on other websites. I go to the MQL site to study, but I end up in a picture gallery.

SK. >> :

Humanity is divided into two categories - those who hold the underground door open and those who don't.

Vomiting foul language in a forum, spray-painting walls or running a rusty nail through a brand new foreign car are the lot of lowly people who haven't created anything worthwhile themselves.

Moderating a forum is a way to shield visitors from cackling ignorance.

1. "Throwing up foul language in the forum", that's you talking about your mate alexx..., well said!

2. Your conceptual apparatus is flawed.

For example, about a brand new foreign car. What if that foreign car is a total scumbag like alexx... who sprayed you?

khorosh >> :

With your unlimited credit, you can look at pictures on other websites. I go to the MQL site to study, but I end up in a picture gallery.

>> Don't go in.

blend писал(а) >>

Stop asking for a grown man, he can send a private message to the moderators himself

The first ban is a misunderstanding, the second is a system

again, the mat is inaudible, is it hard for a literate person to replace the "e" with the "@" or "y" with "%", there are girls and just young people, and not young people who are tired of foul language

Again, you can always apologize, which heel categorically refused, so do not make an apologetic begging face for another

apparently, according to the classification of blend, I'm one of the "foul-mouthed non-young ones" :)

I think that those who afford to be rude and swear in this forum are weak and incompetent people who take advantage of the fact that the opponent has no opportunity to put such a boor in his place. Because of his inaccessibility.

Sometimes there is a desire to write something on the subject, but at the risk of bumping into some "saber", and then disappears ... And there is something to say - 20 years programming professionally and about 4 years trading at F.

So, for foul language and rudeness - banish. The pictures are cool, but there's too many of them.