Predicting championship results - page 6

YuraZ >> :

Their entrances are really perfect!

Especially PrizmaL.


Usually the winners hide in the shadows for a while and then come out on the front page.


I noticed that they started to drive the STOP_LEVEL on EURGBP

but they don't seem to touch the spread... although in real accounts there is probably no DC with a spread of 2 on this pair


the solution is different --- and correctly written Pipsator should take into account the dynamics of at least 3 market parameters on which it vitally depends

and it means that these functions should stand before the decision and influence it

and should not be in the init module

(in general, it would be considered bad form to put such functions in an init module in any EA, not only in a Pipsator)

gSpread = MarketInfo("EURGBP",MODE_SPREAD);

gFreezeLevel = MarketInfo("EURGBP",MODE_FREEZELEVEL);

gModeStopLevel = MarketInfo("EURGBP",MODE_STOPLEVEL);

and it seems PrizmaL has written his pipsator very smart and in his logs there are no craps on 130 error and wrong price 129


prediction on PIPSATORs still valid!

The forecast worked!


despite accusations of spitting and other unpleasant associations


trading strategies with low targets work well.

I was sceptical about systems like winwin2007

forced to reconsider my priorities (you can't argue with statistics)

if you raise the targets a little bit, it's a very nice situation!

i even wrote a similar algorithm for small targets

this is the real deal!

( although after the first trading night the account was blocked, and not because of pipsing :-)) the reason was explained differently :-)) )

i know the real reason clearly! - it's profitability


my prediction for the championship is also 80% true)))), I think so (c)
One of the following championship result predictions is just that profitable:
the left ear it rings something like this:
- from abroad a) what do you get, these "Russians" download the free MT-4, write programs on it and suck up the market.
While decent people can program trading robots only by buying a workstation at 7 thousand c.u. + using expensive programmers.
- from locals b) :-(((

I think they will do the same to MT as to a profitable Expert Advisor in the near future.

And my prediction also came true: someone (let's not point fingers) got the code of profitable EAs.
Tired of listening to your nonsense, Andy Kon. This is getting closer to rudeness. Ban.
Korey >> buying a $7,000 workstation.

Where do they sell such cheap workstations? Do you need good hardware to build a good system?

Rosh писал(а) >>
I'm sick of listening to your nonsense, Andy Kon. It's getting closer to rudeness. Ban.

Ohhhhhhhh, there's the Maderators... They don't keep the truth, they just do what they want... He's fed up and you're banned... :)) And... With obligatory writing to the forum... But the moderation is at the level of the plinth ... Gentlemen... Sovox.

I have to say... And it's been evident for a long time. Unfortunately...

The moderators, and the moderator-directors, would you... Get it through your heads... ...that this is a place where you can only make fun of people. It's clear to everyone that there's only a couple of dodger lovers here (a breakdown with a mathematician), plus a couple of wackos selling magic wands in the form of a kim and an aftograph... And then there's a set of special geeks who are neuronshikers... And the rest are kindergarten, nursery...

And they're all... Oh, I'm dying of laughing, they see this forum as a treasure trove of ideas... Which you just need to see, or to pump out of your head, where the idea came by accident and not deservedly.... ( like they should have come up with... That's what this forum is all about.)

And that believe me, I'm not the only one who gets it... AND ALL... And the funny thing is, I am chuckling to death, that these "dodgers" do not understand that this is their craftiness understand everything ... All that remains is to write, jerks, that's all.... Yeah, :))) and me too... So the bans are great... It's about time we broke up this mébius tangle... They go around in circles like idiots, going over and over the same thing a thousand times... In the hope that a diamond will sparkle in this muck...

And the reason is laziness. Simple laziness.

Rosh >> :
Tired of listening to your nonsense, Andy Kon. That's getting closer to rudeness. >> ban.

Your conceptual apparatus is malfunctioning, all the time.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Where do they sell such cheap workstations? Do you need good hardware to build a good system?

>>Order's workplace,
A trader's workplace (sometimes called a "station") is about
$4 terminal with a set of the same indulators

+ development environment from $3,
and if you are not shy as a wife, the software will be under $25

>> so that's why the mathletes are hired, not traded individually.

Korey >> :

The trader's workplace (which may be called a "station") is about
4 terminal with a set of the same indulators

+ development environment from $3,
and if you are not shy like wives, then the software will be under $25

// that's the reason why the students of the Faculty of Mechanics are hired rather than traded individually.

There must be a couple of other mistakes here? "$4" is $4K, "from $3" is from $3K, and "under $25" is under $25K? And, of course, there's nowhere to go here without mechmatists (quality and well-adjusted natural brains) as well.

NP, sorry, I did not understand the "amateur dodger" part. I understood about the amateur (I do not trade), but I did not understand about the dodger.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

There must be a couple of other clerical errors? "$4" is $4K, "from $3" is from $3K, and "under $25" is under $25K? And, of course, there's no way around it without the help of mechmatics (high-quality and well-constructed natural brains) as well.

Well, corporate reports are usually written without three zeros, or without six))).