Predicting championship results


Anyone can make their own predictions at the end of the championship.

Leave your predictions:

Participant and profit.

Profit with an accuracy of 10k or...

My prediction

artall 180 k

I am off from work. I'll try to give the forecasts in a couple of hours or a bit later. I mean, not really gone, just until Monday.
LeoV 150K



Fduch: somewhere around 30K =)

And if next week a good trend starts, I think Leov, Cronex, YuraZ will have an equity of about 200K by the end of the championship


my prediction for old granny LeoV
third place
Well, if it hurts, fourth.

Shall we pour?

If things go on as they are now, amelabs will win, and that's because they're no longer stuck. :-)
Yurixx писал(а) >>
If things go on as they are now, amelabs will win, and that's because they're not getting any more stuck in. :-)

Yes..... it certainly is..... ))))

Yurixx >>:
Если все будет идти как сейчас, то победит amelabs, и то, потому, что больше не встряёт. :-)

Well then, if that's the case, he 'll be the second. He seems to have fallen asleep completely.