Predicting championship results - page 3

Fduch писал(а) >>

Fduch: somewhere around 30K =)

And if a good trend starts next week, I think Leov, Cronex, YuraZ will have the equity up to 200K by the end of the championship.

i have no protection against a wide flat that kills my variant
and to rise from 3k to 200 it is already unreal - my variant is put in trade when 89 and 233 on m15 are not vyrosy crossing but are straightened
prediction is not a good thing
I would venture to guess the winner's balance may be in the region of 200k or higher

Just relying on the fact that the average move of the main pairs has record values!


1. the surgeon has shown that the equity and balance graph obeys the general TA.
2. Equity trend up == two strong levels: approximately 26-29k and also approximately 70_90k.
near which there was a hiccup and rearrangement of the leaders.
i.e. we have FIBO 261%.
there are also Advisors that bumped into FIBO 261% and did not get over it.
(it is possible to find other FIBO levels)
3. Total we have two levels =26-29_70-90 (this is not a phone!!!))

The next strong level is predicted 80x261%=approximately 208k.
and this figure could be taken as a total, i.e. the winner's forecast is 208+/-26 thousand
But if we judge as a trader, i.e. artistically, we should take the psychological level of 100 thousands and multiply it by 261%))

(last year's result of 118 thousand has to be corrected by the forced finish, i.e., the last year's result should be taken as 100 thousand)
(if the championship had continued for a week, it would have been a dump)

Korey >> :

1. the surgeon has shown that the equity and balance chart obeys the general TA.

Why wouldn't it be, it's based on the same price.)


Come on, guys! What 160K? What 260K ?

This week the equity of the top ten has fallen by 13800, the equity of each place in the top four has fallen. We see a trend reversal.

If the reversal is too deep, we have to look for the future leaders somewhere at the end of the list. There is still time, as the top hasn't even reached the halfway point yet.

The only pity is if it turns out that the future champions have already been disqualified. Then I do not know how. :-(((


It's interesting how girls dance: we take trends in leaders' balances as an indicator of the behaviour of the pairs themselves. Just as I myself also suggested that the Russian stock market should be considered a leading indicator of energy prices (not because the whole world depends on Russia here, but on the contrary, because Russia itself is acutely dependent on it all)...

Mathemat писал(а) >>

It's interesting how girls dance: we take trends in leaders' balances as an indicator of the behaviour of the pairs themselves. Just as I myself also suggested that the Russian stock market should be considered a leading indicator of energy prices (not because the whole world depends on Russia here, but rather because Russia is acutely dependent on it all itself)...

it's a mutual influence!

But we only have 4% turnover with the U.S., we do not depend on them and they do not depend on us.

But the US has more turnover with Europe

which borrows energy from us

It's not a direct link but it's a link.

Yurixx писал(а) >>

Come on, guys! What 160K? What 260K ?

This week the equity of the top ten has fallen by 13800, the equity of each place in the top four has shrunk. We see a trend reversal.

If the reversal is too deep, we have to look for the future leaders somewhere at the end of the list. There is still time, as the top hasn't even reached the halfway point yet.

The only pity is if it turns out that the future champions have already been disqualified. Then I do not know how. :-(((

with this kind of spread, the average daily move has a potential profit of over 200k.

the equity of the leaders is down - that's true.

but i still have more than half of the time left and the leaders are already at about 100k

i don't argue that trend-followers - one-sided players would lose the leadership if the trend reversed - but if it continues

after a consolidation (which is unclear - it's not like the crisis is over)

may continue to gain


and besides, there are two-way leaders

YuraZ >> : variant is put in trade when the 89th and 233rd on m15 are not curly crossed but straightened...

Your words are worth their weight in gold! I was just wondering how to organize some kind of protection against flatulence for my new EA! Thanks =)

Mathemat >> :

Well then, if that's the case, he'll be the second. He kind of fell asleep.

That's right, asleep, task accomplished. Amelabs on the other hand, if I understand him correctly, could still wake up in case the server reboots, which of course could also happen, so we'll see. Sleeping and seeing myself first )))))))

maximich >> :

..Sleeping and seeing myself first )))))))

"Wake up Shura, we've been ripped off!"©:))

My prediction is a stable first page, not in the top three.