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Figar0 >> :

I don't like the general secretaries, I don't like Putin and Medvedev either, was it better under Yeltsin and Gorbachev?) Or are the extremely clever tsars better? who botched up Russia to the Bolsheviks? Who is better, where is better? Bush, perhaps? Putin, under the circumstances at the time, was the best thing that could have happened to Russia... Yes, I'm all for a lifetime presidency for him), no worthy alternatives are in sight. That's what most Russians think and isn't it democracy - when everything is as the majority wants it to be?)

And how do you want them to be seen? In a totalitarian state >>!!!


I am not talking about Putin's foreign policy... he is good here. But about domestic, economic and civil rights and freedoms (laws are only getting tougher, and no one asks people's opinion before, during or after elections), and what makes Medved bad is that he has too many bravura words about democracy, that human rights and freedom is above all, but the "shame" is that these are just words, similar to the fight against corruption (bees cannot fight against honey). Medved is like a pretty picture (Putin has changed his avatar) that hides the same thing...

Well, to put it in a nutshell.

1. The stifling of opposition movements. If you are not with us, you are against us.

2. The suppression of independent media and other viewpoints. (Solovyov and Venediktov have already been suppressed, NTV is already a state channel... The only thing left is RenTV (belongs to Gazprom but sometimes they allow themselves bold statements), many online media are also censored or shut down).

3. the wrong economic policy

3.1 "Support" for the car industry at the expense of our money by raising duties on imported but better-quality vehicles. In my opinion, the best solution is to fire the entire top management of Avtovaz and other gases etc. for not being fit for purpose. For 20 years they could have built something worthwhile, not lada kalina... Give a development loan to auto companies and replace their management.

3.2 Petrol prices in our oil-rich country... We have the state company Rosneft... So, it is not in a hurry to reduce prices either... In my opinion, the task of state companies is to knock down prices in the market ... to sweep away competitors with a price (such as Euroset for example), using market methods, not administrative ... 3.3 Accumulation of Stabilization Funds

3.3 Stab Fund accumulation and storage, rather than injecting some of the money into the economy via cheap loans to enterprises, agriculture and other branches of industry. To transform the economy from an oil-exporting to an industrial and agricultural power (China, for example).

4) The abolition of elections for governors, raising the threshold for entry into the Duma (so that only "friendly" people are elected).

5. The creation of a "right-wing" party controlled by the Kremlin, so that the electorate of sps and apples, and other political impotents should not get bored and think that there is someone to represent their interests in the Duma ))).

6. The lack of any sane and clear economic and social policy. Has anybody seen the election programme of the United Russia? What did they "promise" to do after the elections? There is none... they're following Putin's plan, improvisation.... Has anyone seen it? It's all laid out point by point... Instead of -GDP doubling, it says how and why it will be done, what decisions and laws will be used... it is not clear either... Many goals, but nothing is said about how to achieve them... Why did all the media keep quiet about doubling GDP? That's right, because the goal was not met...

Further... I am very suspicious about the death of Badri Patarkatsishvili, a few days after the publication of transcripts of his telephone conversation with the Georgian minister, where he was "exposing" Putin and where the subject of Kursk was touched upon. They could have saved Kursk. They just did not allow Finns and the Norwegians to do it, because they think it was a military secret. As a matter of fact they probably needed something like Kursk or Nord Ost to "unite" the nation and make the country grieve. The Americans, for example, arranged September 11 to delay the start of the crisis and to get to Iraqi oil.

As the wise Chernomyrdin said: whatever you do, you get the CPSU.
Mathemat >>:
Скорее шутка, blend. А вот еще шутка: Рузвельту (и Штатам) помогла война, а вот Обаме что поможет? Великая депрессия длилась лет 17 или немного дольше (по одной из версий, первая волна импульса после окончания коррекции началась где-то в 1949), а индекс сравнялся с докризисным примерно через 25 лет.

what will help obama?

something familiar from the championship - "only a strong trend will help me", such is the sad maxim of the participant

With the states it is not so sad, the equity (credibility) is still quite high, the balance (economy) is slightly down, but in the new realities the methods of tehanalysis are changing (replacing the political elites), the breathing (elections) organism has a chance to recover, unlike the conserved elites that hope to survive the crisis.

the sheep to the slaughter will not be obama (unless of course the racists kill him in a literal sacrificial sense) but the underdeveloped countries with sovereign regimes, the crisis is a simple and cheap way for the strong to emerge even stronger and the weak to disappear

The fact that the African-American has been chosen tells us that they have seriously begun to untangle the African knot, soon there will be a loyal globe with inclusions on each continent one scarecrow for example and edification of others, in America - Venezuela, in Europe - Russia, in Asia - Iran, in Africa - Somalia (all matches of names with real countries are arbitrary and random)

sabluk >> :
As the wise Chernomyrdin said: whatever we do, we end up with the CPSU.

lustration would help cure obstruction)))

I don't think there has been any change in the political elite in America, the puppeteers there don't change with the change of president. They poured a lot of money into Obama, they created him from scratch, just like Bereza and Putin's comrades in our country (they promoted ORT and RTR to superstar in six months). Well, the money spent on Obama will have to be paid back. Obama is unlikely to quarrel with the puppeteers...
Shniperson >> :
I don't think there has been any change in the political elite in America, the puppeteers there don't change with the change of president

the puppeteers are fundamental analysis and the elite are technical, what has changed is obvious


Lustration - what is it (I didn't know). I wonder what it was like in post-war Germany?

Shniperson >> :
I would like to ask somebody to tell me about price quotations and Forex "order book" (it may not exist).

Not only Forex, but other markets are independent of supply and demand. Not even with the presence of a tumbler.

At every level, quotes are generated by brokers to maintain speculative interest in the market.

This has been the practice for a long time. For over 200 years. Partly, crises happen because of this. That is, the real price of assets does not match the market price. It can't go on like this for long. Everything goes back to the beginning. Then it starts all over again.

Forex is a separate issue. You can imagine it as a very big "kitchen". Since 1991 through front companies and banks is totally controlled by the Fed. That allows them to do what they want with the dollar, within certain reasonable limits, so as not to be formally accused of fraud. This has not helped them, though. Even in Russia they are talking about it at the highest level and in the media. In fact, they have already been accused.

Zhunko >> :

Not only Forex, but other markets are not dependent on supply and demand. Not even with the presence of a tumbler.

At every level, quotes are generated by brokers to maintain speculative interest in the market.

This has been the practice for a long time. For over 200 years. Partly, crises happen because of this. That is, the real price of assets does not match the market price. It can't go on like this for long. Everything goes back to the beginning. Then it starts all over again.

Forex is a separate topic. You can see it as a very big "kitchen". Since 1991, through front companies and banks, it has been completely controlled by the Fed. That allows them to do what they want with the dollar, within certain reasonable limits, so as not to be formally accused of fraud. This has not helped them, though. Even in Russia they are talking about it at the highest level and in the media. In fact, they have already been accused.

Maybe we should give up dollar pairs then? Or they control all currencies of the world )) And about the market, it's unlikely that brokers invent anything... The volume of orders and the price at which a person wants to buy/sell securities can be seen there. And each market participant with a large volume can form the current price. Everything is transparent and clear there... but Forex is a catastrophe with transparency and clarity...