Dedicated to co-founders and beginners - page 12

=When it comes to money it turns out that everyone belongs to the same Religion.=
"Remaud's nephew" Diderot. (с)
Xadviser >> :
Or let's try to get back to the balance of the world. Maybe people have valuable thoughts about it?

what page does it say about the market balance???

so far I've only read that...

Adam and Lilith were equal but not balanced, for they were both made of ashes, but different, one of clay, the other of silt, so nothing worked out for them

adam and eve were not equal but balanced, one wanted to rule, the other wanted to obey as she was a part of the first and also made of clay

historically, balance is only possible by voluntary unequal power

because it's just as much fun to obey as it is to govern.

blend >> :

what page does it say about market balance?

at the very beginning... the word was...

the balance definitely exists, but nevertheless it's constantly changing its position...

like waves on the surface of the water, and if one stands in the state of balance (like Christ standing ankle-deep in the "water" of the market),

then one can easily grasp the "foam" from the movement of the "waves"...

keekkenen >> :

The balance definitely exists, but nevertheless it is constantly changing its position...

i.e. as I call it - it changes its level, with absolutely nothing stopping it from remaining a balance
keekkenen >> :

then it's easy to catch the "foam" from the movement of the "waves".

wouldn't it be better to fish deeper, the foam is being eaten away by inflation(((


the point of the metaphor is not to fish sitting on the shore or in a boat, but to understand how things work between everything that is available to us...


I agree with a lot of what has been said here offtop. And about aliens, too, I am inclined to this version... there are people like Erik von Deniken, cosmonaut Grechko and others who believe in it. One politician once made a joke to the West during the Ossetian conflict that "the aliens will see how hypocrites you are" (about the coverage of this conflict in the Western media). there's but a kidding part in every joke )

And about the balance, also thought about it, but how can it help us win? For example, they look at the slippage of a market ... They don't know how to do it and they don't know what to do ... If you don't know what to do and you don't know how to react ... then you may think about the market slippage ... If you don't know what to do and you don't know what to do ... then you may think about the market slippage ... But how do you do it all in Forex? Who can "mastermind" forex? It takes a lot of money to "move the market", creating supply or demand. Or does somebody make quotes on forex from scratch? (as in the author's game) regardless of supply/demand ... I don't care... as long as the majority loses... And regarding Khazin, will they plan another terrorist attack in South Korea soon? Or maybe in our country too, Chechen terrorists ordered by the ruling elite to conduct attacks... they say they need to rally the nation... And the recent Podloka incident? All the media was chattering about it, but they failed to draw attention to the amendments made to the constitution by Putin and Medved... they nearly introduced a third term! 3*4=12 6*2=12... that makes it... Putin's regime will have to endure another 12 years... and he will only leave after he dies of old age... like all of the USSR generals.


Moishe bought a donkey for a hundred dollars from an old farmer.

The next day, the farmer came, as agreed, but without the donkey.

- I'm sorry, but the donkey is dead.

- Well, then I want my $100 back.

- I can't, I've already spent it.

- All right, then just leave me the donkey.

- But what will you do with it? - The old man asked.

- I'll raffle it off.

- But you can't put a donkey in the lottery!

- Yes, I can, believe me. I just won't tell anyone he's dead.

Some time later, the farmer meets Moisha:

- What happened to that dead donkey?

- As promised, I raffled it off. I sold 500 lottery tickets at two dollars apiece and made a profit of $898.

- And, what, no one minded?

- Just one guy. The one who won the donkey. He got real mad... so I just gave him his two dollars back.

Shniperson >> :

Even a politician once joked to the West during the Ossetian conflict that "the aliens will see how hypocritical you are" (about the coverage of that conflict in the Western media).

It was our ambassador to the UN, Churkin, who said so at the summit.

the usa and british ambassadors are such goblins ))

Shniperson >> :

All the media has been chattering about this to avoid focusing attention on the amendments to the constitution that Putin and Medved... they practically introduced a third term! 3*4=12 6*2=12... that makes it... Putin's regime will have to endure another 12 years... and he will only leave after he dies of old age... like all of the USSR's generals.

Our Constitution originally follows the American one, ask Zhirinovsky )).

now we edit it for our own reasons, for the economy frequent elections are a negative factor due to expectations of change

sabluk >> :

>> for the economy, frequent elections are a negative factor because of expectations of change.

it is not for our economy to harness it quickly