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FOXXXi >> :

>> Can you get links to factual material on "Financial Markets"?

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timbo писал(а) >>

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>> you can get a little bit of a kick out of it.

timbo >> :

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So everything for the money is the ultimate truth in English.

FOXXXi >> :

I mean, everything for the money is the ultimate truth. In English, too. Ooh! But it's beautiful.

Modern financial markets were invented in English and are run in English. For many concepts there is no translation into Russian at all.

Do you like to hear tales about insidious market organizers, who take money from gullible demo traders? It's up to the free will. I knew that many fans of the fairy tale "by whim, by mine will" would not like my advice.

timbo писал(а) >>

Modern financial markets were invented in English and are run in English .

short and sweet

Xadviser >> :

short and simple

The underground was also invented in English. Its purpose is to provide transport services, not endless profits. Financial institutions provide financial services. English is the language of international communication, all significant works in any field of human knowledge are published in English. Stories about taking money from traders are paranoia on the grounds of ignorance. Short and simple.

timbo писал(а) >>

The underground was also invented in English.

And how long ago did the French speak English?

timbo писал(а) >>

The underground was also invented in English. Its purpose is to provide transport services, not endless profits. Financial institutions provide financial services. English is the language of international communication, all significant works in any field of human knowledge are published in English. Stories about taking money from traders are paranoia on the grounds of ignorance. Short and simple.

I'm sorry that you saw the narrative as a story about taking money away. The main idea was to outline market (forex market directly) regularities and a primitive "game" model was proposed as conditions for the formation of these regularities. I fully agree with you, nobody takes anything from anybody and these regularities exist independently from the desire/unwillingness of a single trader. Thank you for this shortcoming in my statement. Next time I will try to express my thoughts more clearly.

P.S. I did not have any complaints about international communication language.

Xadviser >> :

I suggest we leave religion alone. I agree with sabluk, the truth is somewhere in the middle, or to be more precise, it is within us. As far as we are ready for it, we will get closer to it. And the rebuttal attempts to point out some inaccuracies or inconsistencies in "reality" by shifting the focus to a discussion of details, but that is not the point.

The main idea running through both films is the existence of various ways of manipulating people's minds and their actions in the aftermath. It does not matter what they do: religion, disinformation, television, or money. Of all the ways, money has been the most pervasive, invisible (i.e., self-evident) and large-scale means of fooling people. From the moment money became a TOWARDSHIP, its role as a universal and honest (equivalent) means of exchange disappeared, it became a tool (lever) which could be easily manipulated by the masses. And the masses have become DEEPLY dependent on money. And any dependence that does not imply abandonment (willingly or unwillingly) is Slavery

Money is not a commodity. Money is:

1) just a piece of paper (a circle of metal) with drawings

2) something that people want and are willing to give (sell things or their labour power).

In ancient times, when there was a kind of feudalism, people were divided into lords and their slaves. Slaves rebelled and ran away. So the masters decided to make the slaves think they were free but still work for them. Money was created to do this. The slaves consider themselves free (not without the help of the media working for the masters) and continue to work for centuries for the descendants of those who decided to make them "free". They call it democracy and call the economy a free market, but like thousands of years ago, they go to work early every morning.

The slaves in those ancient times were told by their lords: We are freeing you, but you surely want to eat and clothe yourselves and live somewhere, then you work for us, but we will pay you MONEY for your work and you can exchange that money for whatever you want. And people were told that money was ALL they needed to live well, so they worked hard... And they still do, but the descendants of the masters don't sleep, they keep a watchful eye on the world and won't let the slaves be truly free, they cause "crises", inflation, wars, revolutions - all to take money away from the slaves so they can work harder for them.

To be continued...

timbo >> :

Modern financial markets were invented in English and are run in English. For many concepts there is no translation into Russian at all.

Do you like to hear tales about insidious market organizers, who take money from gullible demo traders? It's up to the free will. I knew, that my advice will be disliked by the fans of fairy tales about "by whim, by mine wish".

Yes, you knew everything retrospectively. You are some kind of telepath, all demo-traders see through, you made up everything about me. Too much on yourself. Your unfounded "factual" materials were in English - wrong logic, and all that is translated into Russian - solid fairy tales and a conspiracy. They want to translate "facts" into Russian.