Crisis: Don't we care? - page 63

timbo писал(а) >>

The main question is: what does this have to do with the current financial crisis?

It has everything to do with knowing history = looking to the future,
in particular
- this is a short answer to the question why all of a sudden from 2008 the international thought "who needs Russia" has appeared, neither earlier nor later,
-a little answer about the aims of the crisis (duration and possible solutions)
-and also for trading practice - which of the fundamental signals to focus on.

For example (I will not explain this is a fundamental forecast))) the rouble/dollar exchange rate in April 2009 will be around 29 with a minimum of 27
Korey писал(а) >>
for example (i will not explain this is a fundamental forecast))) the ruble vs dollar in april 2009 will be around 29 with a minimum of 27

Two eternal questions. Who is to blame and what to do? )

Well, 63 pages tried to answer the first question. Now we come to the second. What to do?

Korey do you think we should urgently convert dollar accounts into ruble ones?

Maybe, but one line is not enough. Do you want to expand on why? And what have you decided for yourself?

Z.U. In a bank (not DC) I have roughly divided my money into 3 parts, 25% USD, 25% EUR and 50% RUB.


to Prival

For example, this is an explanation of the ruble exchange rate forecast: the main goal of the financial crisis is to knock Russia out of the saddle, otherwise Iran will not get it.
(In countries that are not influenced by the state department, the exchange rate of the national currency has not changed)
I am afraid to advise what to put where and how much to put it - I am afraid of the natural human reaction))

one more clarification: out of the $100 billion that has "escaped" from the Russian Federation, about 80 billion are assets of the peoples of the Transcaucasus,
and the process of flight of these 80 billion started before the announcement of the financial crisis.
timbo >> :

As a last resort, the US will again plant leftovers from its table so that the Russians do not die out, as they have done before.

What are you telling me about democracy? the natives wouldn't die out and service the wells.
If it wasn't for our stupid government's help in transiting goods to Afghanistan NATO would have suffered
and the CIA wouldn't have been able to drug trafficking (aimed at mopping up the Russians)
The CIA is the biggest drug trafficker


People, think about what you put in your mouth, you could get poisoned. You can't read everything in a row and believe it without thinking.

ЦРУ - крупнейший наркоторговец

The republican government (which is actually a drug mafia) has been tightening the screws on the drug business, making it more profitable and lucrative. It is well known that 20% of the world economy is made up of the heroin-trade; no-one doubts that more than half of this 20% is controlled by American financial-moguls, the CIA and the Bush family personally. Through the Reagan-Bush effort in America, employees in public and most private companies are subjected to random urine and hair-tests for drugs; at the same time, more than half of Americans regularly smoke cannabis, which leaves traces in their hair for months. The fight against tobacco has intensified to the point that many universities, hospitals and offices (and all restaurants) have banned smoking altogether; to smoke, an employee must go outside the university grounds - and that is often a 10-15 minute walk. The sole purpose of these measures is to drive out marijuana, tobacco and other unprofitable drugs in order to increase the profits of heroin pushers, i.e. the CIA, Bush and other American oligarchs.

cabluk >> :

Why are you telling me tales of democracy? keep the natives alive and service the wells...
If it wasn't for the help of our stupid government in transit of goods to Afghanistan NATO would have suffered
and the CIA wouldn't have been able to drug trafficking (aimed at mopping up the Russians)
The CIA is the biggest drug trafficker.

In Russia, law enforcement officials are caught covering up drug dealers, and what is seized in raids ends up back on the market.

Here's a story for "ONAKO".

Leontyev will tell us how Bush and his associates, fearful of Russia rising from its knees, are bribing the weak-spirited police with the help of the CIA, forcing them to protect our drug market.

He says that this plan was developed in the 1940s with the help of the MI6 and the ISAD.

Now to top it all off with Berezovsky mayonnaise and get on the air.

Korey >> :

to Prival

For instance the following explanation of the rouble exchange rate forecast: the main goal of the financial crisis is to knock Russia out of the saddle otherwise Iran will not be able to get it.

This is megalomania. Russia is a tiny fraction of the world economy. The U.S., Europe and Asia collapsed their own economies and went into multi-billion dollar debt just to "knock Russia out of the saddle"? Nonsense. Russia is the elusive Joe of the world economy.

Forecasts? I have them. The Russian government is doing exactly the opposite of what it should be doing in a crisis. Around the world, interest rates are going down, access to money is getting easier, goods are getting cheaper. The opposite is true in Russia. The rouble will continue to fall and in April it will not be 27p to the dollar but much more. Let's say around 40. I'm thinking even more expensive, but I'm afraid to say it out loud.

By the way, Iran is easy to get hold of - Israel has done it before.