Crisis: Don't we care? - page 59

timbo писал(а) >>

As much as you like, if it makes you feel better about your life.

As soon as you run out of arguments on the topic of the thread, you start discussing your opponent's personality. You shit on someone else, and you get a huge rise out of it, and it's the best.

I will not feel better, but perhaps in the end you will understand that ethical and what is not.

P.S. Your last phrase, as I understand it, refers to you.


What are you really? What have we got to share? Everyone is in the same boat...

Yurixx писал(а) >>

First file of D. Golubovsky, analyst at Kalita Finance. His author's page

The second one is by M. Khazin, an economist. His site, devoted to the world crisis

The more I read about the crisis, the more I think about it, the scarier it becomes. It is impossible to predict the development of the situation, but if any further development comes, there will be a catastrophe, the scale of which is still hard to imagine. I was up half the night thinking about survival) I found another funny site, an article about surviving by the example of a recent crisis in Argentina In short, before it's too late and money can buy something, we should pack food, firewood, water and a lot of different guns) That's it... And you're fighting.)

timbo wrote >>

Sovok is forerunner.

By the way, in the light of the coming crisis and its consequences, "sovok" does not even seem a dirty word) When the Soviets were around, I think we would see the crisis only on TV and would happily clap our hands at the decaying greedy capitalists) Everything is relative, let's see how it would be, so as not to fall into communism through decaying capitalism).

Korey >> :
"well yes, MT-4 has absorbed all the soviet qualities, i.e. MT-4 has remained in the soviet time,"
>> I'll explain:
"accessibility, free, unfinished, the only one in the world,
obscure laws, lax enforcement, parochialism, lack of description,
farce, the fight against speculators, the nipple system, hopelessness, faith in tomorrow.


Yurixx wrote :>>

The first file of D.Golubovsky, the analyst of FG "Kalita-Finance". His author's page

I read it last year - he explained it very clearly. They should give him Nobel prize for that!

timbo wrote(a) >>

This is an example of all known enemy plans like amero, puppeteers and other nonsense.

This is an example of stupidity. It has long been proven that this "plan" is complete nonsense and no Dulles wrote it. It is just an excerpt from a tabloid novel written in the 70s.

timbo >> :

On the count of two: Who will buy Chinese goods? And hundreds of millions of Chinese start munching on weed, and many of them are already weaned off it.

I want to remind you of one of the strengths of China's economy is food self-sufficiency.

the countries of the former socialist camp have had a lousy life.
We may be instinctively afraid of the powers that be, right down to the moderators of the forum, but we are better able to survive.

Yuri Reshetov was right about New Orleans being in the animal kingdom.
There have been riots lately in Greece, then Bulgaria, then the Baltics, then Iceland, then France.
then the u.K., then the u.S. reports of businessmen who have killed their families.

we are reminded of the failed attempt in 2008 to organise a global food crisis, allegedly 'someone is eating too much'.
- the markets responded elastically by lowering food prices.
and then - everyone's got his or her own snack now.
because of this general resistance to a food crisis, some people have had to crash their finances.
Korey >> :
I am reminded of the failed attempt in 2008 to create a global food crisis, allegedly "someone is eating too much".
- The markets reacted elastically to the drop in food prices.
and even then - everyone has his or her own snack.
because of this general resistance to a food crisis, some people have had to crash their finances.

Dear Korey, Lately you are always looking for a black cat in a dark room which is not there.

And so you do.)

in this case, the black cat in the dark room itself is only interesting because
is that someone's pulling its tail,
so that the cat's cries may be followed by some kindly all-knowing saviour.
By the way, Mishek suggested it)))
- what a strange financial crisis,
no clear crisis parameters are known, no figures apart from general economic words,
it reminds me of the 9/11 twins.
Yurixx >> :

First file of D. Golubovsky, analyst at Kalita Finance. His author's page

...... The volume of the entire global GDP is about $50 trillion, while the volume of derivatives registered on the interbank market alone is $500 trillion! And what is the basis of these derivatives? Underlying assets? Securities, oil, gold, 'simple' debts? Not at all! Most derivatives are based on complex mathematical models that continually revalue current prices in real time, using formulas, information from different markets, etc. The global economy is being pumped with these phantoms today,..........


Zet1972 >> : - you can read

Or this:

.................Forbes world list lacks bankers like Rockefeller and Rothschild, the former has only about $800 million and the latter about $750 million. Not even close to a billion. Although, by my estimation, each of them really "weighs" 9-10 trillion dollars.............