Crisis: Don't we care? - page 55

timbo писал(а) >>


Whose mentality is that? Have you had much contact with Americans to make such generalisations? Which country's army is in the habit of invading other countries' territories, ignoring not only international laws and regulations, but also its own?

Read about the mentality here

Just so you know. America is a country of immigrants, those who were dissatisfied with something and ran away from problems, not solving them, but running away from them. They solved problems with a Colt .45. And they conquered America, came and killed the entire population and started to live there. And they have recently solved their differences with the help of guns (look at the cowboy movies - who is the hero there, and the most important quality of this hero = he can shoot).

And these immigrants brought up their children in the same way. By historical standards, 300 years is nothing, just like were savages and so on.

About the habit of invasion - for America it is not even a habit, but a norm of behaviour. It is their phrase "our zone of interest", and under any pretext to introduce troops. The last example, there is an alleged development of nuclear weapons, go there and punch everybody in the face. The Balkans (the world's nickel reserves) go there too.

Russia is a bummer, it can hit you in the face. Napoleon got in trouble, Hitler got in trouble, and now anyone will get in trouble, so the Americans are furious.

And you are right about brainwashing.

First of all, the average American knows nothing about Russia and the Russians, and most importantly does not want to know. The local news of his small town is more important and closer to him than the entire FSU taken together.

Secondly, the average American has a positive attitude towards Russians - winter, bears, vodka, Dostoevsky. Not enough?

That's the brainwashing, he didn't know and doesn't want to know anything. And he only believes what he is told on the news. (bears with boots on the red square walking around and drinking vodka).

Z.U. Just so you know, Russia is the most reading country in the world and the masses have higher education and are very literate - it's a fact. Unlike where people are proud of the fact they haven't read a single book. Where about Shakespeare they answer the question Who is it ? - The answer. A comic book hero. (saw a live broadcast once).


5 points, not even 5, but +100


You must have watched too much of their news and joined Greenspan, Russia and China are to blame, they print dollars. The IMF runs the show. Gives credit to everyone. Living on borrowed money your whole life.... etc. And now america has to clean it up? Is that it?

But .... )

Prival >> :

timbo, You must have watched their news and joined Greenspan in blaming Russia and China for printing dollars.

Well, what else can you do? Oil is cheap, quid are expensive, the Khokhlys systematically steal gas from the pipe. Scientists have not invented any other effective way to replenish the foreign currency reserves in a situation like this.

>> In addition, the US machines are no longer able to cope with the printing of banknotes and can break down at any time. So we have to help america in the difficult task of spreading the global crisis

mql4com >> :

Russia vs USA

Can we please stop?

Dear moderators, how does this thread relate to the MQL4 thread? Please delete.

1. Actually, it's about the US vs(USA), i.e. it's self-inflicted anti-American sentiment.

2. This thread contains information on fundamental analysis of financial markets

3. There are participants from different countries, not only from Russia

4. If you personally aren't interested, you don't have to look at this thread - there are plenty of other threads on the forum

mql4com >> :

I want to see how the use of automatic trading affects the results before and after the crisis.

No one forbids you to initiate a discussion on a topic that is of more personal concern to you than to others. All you have to do is formulate your own questions in a constructive way. And if others are interested, the discussion will continue in this direction.


Timbo and Reshetov are notorious provocateurs, but I would support them here, in the sense that "branch-place". To understand the impact of the crisis on our lives (forex life and forum life as well) is highly desirable, as it may put a damper on forex in general. Of course, we are discussing a "wide range of questions", but what's worse than Davos? :-)

I don't support the "USA-Russia" or "USA-other world" line of discussion. From the forex point of view - socio-state structure and the history of relations between different economies (currencies) are totally irrelevant, but to understand the fundamental trends and "market psychology" - any "trading system" that gives a reliable forecast is interesting. The topic of debt is interesting - here, I believe, is the root, the essence of money in general, not just the crisis.

mql4com писал(а) >>


I made this thread and therefore I feel a certain responsibility), so I'll try to find some justification for its right to live in this forum. Otherwise they will really shut it down).

Now the topic of the crisis will come up again and again, because this is a harsh reality that affects trading, autotrading, markets, banks, brokers and dealing centers. No forum that deals with economics can do without these topics. This discussion is not always constructive, but it is a painful topic for many people, they need to blow off steam, and there is a philosophical component to this crisis. So let these discussions be held compactly here within the framework of one particular branch, and do not detract from the constructive in other branches. Those who wish to do so may benefit more from it than from endless repetitive threads like "How to enable an EA", "How to trade once per bar" or private-proprietary "Why did I get a ban" ...


Interesting thread.

I enjoy and benefit from reading the posts by Timbo, Fgar0, Reshetov, Prival and others...

The dialogue is constructive, correct, and does not go beyond ethical norms.

Everyone's point of view is supported by valid arguments...

Everyone is right in their own way, qualitatively, but imho a little too much in quantitative terms.

rsi >> :

To be aware of the impact of the crisis on our lives (forex life and forum life amongst others) is highly desirable, as it could put a damper on forex in general.

May I ask why you think so?

I mean how the crisis will put an end to currency exchange between countries as it is today.