Crisis: Don't we care? - page 47

Figar0 >> :

Even without reliable sources, I have come to the same conclusions... There's a rumour going around that the states are printing the Amero for a reason. The main thing is not to miss that moment when the quid goes into its last dive...

I'm told that moment will coincide with a surge in oil. It will just create an artificial deficit and that's it. The fact of the matter is that the American economy is held together by several big bubbles. The last time oil went up sharply, the mortgage bubble burst. The other bubbles are also ripe to burst. As soon as the big players get rid of US assets, that's when it all starts.

You don't need nuclear warheads to rid the world of the states. They themselves have been working hard to saw off the bough. All we have to do is help them a little bit, a little bit.

The bottom line is that the difference does not make the difference right now, sell oil for $5 or $500 a barrel - all the same dollars will turn into worthless paper. That is why it is necessary to get rid of waste paper.

As for the Amero, I'm not interested. But it is unlikely that replacing one waste paper with another unsecured paper will do anything. For the Americans it will be something like Pavlovian reform under Gorbachev. And Amero will not make it to the international market. No one will want to trade a piece of shit for a piece of soap.

Reshetov >> :

The point is that now the oil does not make any difference, at $5, at $500 a barrel - all the same quid will turn into waste paper. So you have to get rid of waste paper.

I don't know about the Amero. But I don't think the exchange of one paper currency for another one that isn't backed up by anything.

The funny thing is, we can't get rid of it either :(.

Oil for quid.

Hardware for the computer - in dollars.

Currency can be exchanged for other currencies in dollars.

As I understand it, the Amero is an artificial revaluation of the dollar.

The funny thing is that everyone is devaluing and these guys are going to revalue. Even though there are no official rumours :)

BARS >> :

The funny thing is we can't get rid of it either :(

Oil for quid.

Hardware for the computer: Dollars.

Currency can be exchanged for other currencies in dollars.

As I understand it, Amero is "artificial revaluation of the dollar".

The funny thing is, everybody is devaluing, but these guys are going to revalue. Even though there are no official rumors :)

Well, there were no official rumours before the Pavlovian reforms. Everyone only found out at the last minute.

And the Amero is a dollar denomination. One day a sack of quid will buy you nothing but curses, so the old waste paper, of which there is an unknown amount accumulated around the world, will have to be exchanged for new paper. Depression or depression, there will still be a need for some kind of payment denomination, even if it is wooden.

Reshetov >> :

Well, before the Pavlovian reforms there were no official rumors. Everything was found out at the last moment.

A kick in the balls or a punch in the gut are the fastest and most painful :)

We're doing teleportation in time-shifted worlds in a nearby thread... )))) So if only we live long enough )))

Yuri, we had a dynamization, too, all right. Didn't die. :)

Yura - check out Zeitgeist (Zeitgeist) - there's a lot of material there about the quid - I've had my mind on it for two weeks now...

Why do you dislike America so much?

There's a man in a neighbouring thread who is happy to have switched from a patriotic Russian car to a bloody American one, and everyone is congratulating him. Everybody is sitting on an American operating system. To travel, they use a creation of the American military, GPS. Mobile phones, computers, home appliances are overwhelmingly designed/made/use parts and know how at American owned (i.e. built by Americans) factories. Every other person is probably wearing disgustingly American trousers - jeans. The internet is another invention of bloody America.

So what's all the fuss about? Jealousy, inferiority complex? It's like the old joke: "Your kids are good, but everything you do with your hands is very bad."

What's America got to do with it - it's a normal country - we don't like puppeteers
Zet1972 писал(а) >>
What's America got to do with it? It's a normal country. We don't like puppeteers.

Ha ha puppeteers they were yesterday, today mr karabass has the look of a non american, since america has flown today it means someone has capitalized on the profits?

Zet1972 >> :
What's America got to do with it - it's a normal country - we don't like puppeteers

Is that a confession about being a brainless doll? Self-critical. Or are you not a puppet, and the puppets are someone else, but you don't like their puppeteers out of solidarity with those puppets?

On the other hand, even allowing for the version about those creepy puppeteers, America has achieved a lot in spite of (or thanks to?) them. And what have the dear Russians under the leadership of the non-puppeteers achieved? Do we see any logical inconsistencies?

Reshetov >> :

It takes no heads to rid the world of the states. They themselves have been busy sawing off the bough they are sitting on. All that's left to do is help them out a little, just a little.

cross33 wrote >>

Ha ha puppeteers they were yesterday, today mr karabass has the look of a non-American, if america is gone today it means someone has capitalized on the profits?

There is no greater happiness for a russian than when his neighbour's cow dies.