Crisis: Don't we care? - page 10

FION >> :

Scary... Scary!!!

It's all right.)

Here's what I'm thinking...

Since the world's money supply is constantly growing, we can't escape inflation.

Since the U.S. dollar is being copied too much, this process will lead to crises.

Since the amount of money in the world is growing from time to time, the price rises to compensate for the growth in the money supply.

A crisis is the result of the monetary policy.

For example: if we tighten the purse strings, I mean stop printing money. Prices would have to stabilize, but supply and demand aren't stable. Therefore it is necessary to expand the money supply to stabilize domestic prices.

But the Americans are printing money without a care, and while other countries are printing money based on gold reserves.

So there is a crisis when there is too much unfunded money.

There is a crisis.

What usually happens in this crisis... is to suck up the mass so that it doesn't destroy everything. So they raise the rates. In turn, the increase in interest rates is a stabilizing factor because new loans will cost more...

so we get the picture:

Money supply reaches critical levels like in an atom bomb---crisis occurs (when other currencies rise)---rate increases---intervention, sometimes with sterilization to avoid a massive inflation spike inside the country----silently, money falls (as if mass decreases) ---period of stabilization.

And then everything starts all over again.

I.e., the cycle with the Americans will happen once every 30-40 years.

So what? We ate... we printed money... They fed the world with quid, and when they're in a puddle, they hold their own currency by the tail.

I wonder who they were depressing? )))))))))))))))

BARS >> :

That's just it !

In general, we need the most complete information that shows the current state of the economy.

I can't find much information from google.

Please give me a link to a "paradise" of information.

one got lost )))))

Money is money, whether on Kondratieff, Dow Jones or the Fed...... if you lose somewhere, you gain somewhere :)..... Are you in the FA yet? "Then we're coming to you" ))))

rider >> :

one's dead )))))

Money is money, whether it's Kondratieff, Dow Jones or the Fed...... if it's lost somewhere, it's gained somewhere :)..... Are you in the FA yet? "Then we're coming to you." ))))

Have you read what I need info for ?

I want to put experience with bot ;-)

And the growth of the world economy is not big.

As the time between cycles is clearly not long enough to get anywhere in a significant way...

BARS >> :

Have you read what I need the info for ?

I want an experience with a bot ;-)

And the growth of the world economy is not great.

because the time between cycles is obviously not long enough to get anywhere in a significant way...

The joke was..... kind. Sorry, plz. I envy you - you have time for such experiences ;)

rider >> :

one's dead )))))

Money is money, whether it's Kondratieff, Dow Jones or the Fed...... if it's lost somewhere, it's gained somewhere :)..... Are you in the FA yet? "Then we're coming to you" ))))

Again, what is real economic growth?

Real economic growth is when prices are stable and unemployment is falling.

And what we see is: Money supply increases, then there is a crisis, and all the actions are aimed at stabilizing the situation.

Growth in the real economy is therefore low, because inflation erodes growth.

A strong economy needs inflation to be controlled, i.e. flexible monetary policy.

Once prices are stable, interest in increasing production will appear.....

you need to pump money into the economy rather than just print it....

Again, growth should include scientific capacity, but not what powerful computers make. but methods of extraction... processing... So the quality of their products will improve, and that can also be attributed to growth. For a high quality product will cost more, and that is what draws manufacturers into the field of science. This in turn pushes the progress in processing and manufacturing, but there is also a point: automated factories require fewer workers, but as a consequence the higher wages and the higher demand for professionals. But those people who used to work will remain unemployed! And this is a hindrance to development ...


Шутка была..... добрая. Простите, плз. Я вам завидую - у вас время на такие опыты есть ;)

If you can call it time...

So for the new year, slowly and slowly, so as not to make any mistakes and not to have to deal with them...


rider писал(а) >>

A "team of specialists" working at a constant profit is something fantastic - it is different here: a systematic approach and the use of the laws of "big numbers" ...... no one has ever managed to calculate the market..... would have died out long ago.

I do not agree with you there. There are teams working in profit this way. They cannot calculate the market, even if they really want to. But the combined effort of a trader, a team of good programmers, optimizers and analysts, believe us, gives a much larger profit, say, than a deposit to the bank. Because it combines all the qualities and skills that are needed for a successful trader.

Concerning the crisis. Let's say that the blame lies with the government, which has not seen, and maybe did not know how to react, to the creation of so to speak unsecured instruments, like options futures or Eurobonds. Which in turn increased in value, and on which those who issued them made good money. So that is what we got. Banks have raised capital and started to invest in construction, a risky business. Everything would have been fine, but those who were building eventually said they could not pay the same mortgage because they do not want to work for such a salary (for example). As a result, in the hope that they will not have to pay anything and will live on welfare, we get an "oil painting", a tangle begins to untwist. The interest on the loans is not paid, the banks take over the houses, but they can't sell them, therefore they can't pay off the bonds either, the process begins to speed up and the prices of houses go down. Housing prices are falling, chances to pay for unsecured securities are falling, banks get into a coma, and as a result, they go bankrupt. My view of the crisis.

Regarding forex. What effect does the single trader have on the market? Nothing. Yes, if there are a lot of them, and there are a lot of them, the impact, I can only guess, is not so great as to shake the entire economic system. Plus, again, conjectures, because there is no statistics and it is unlikely it will be available to mere mortals, the mass of traders feed themselves. That's the same if you take the data written in most books on forex trading losing >95%, which should be enough to feed the remaining 5%. If the volume is not enough, then those transactions are taken to the interbank, and the interbank profit on this too. The only thing that should be tied to the interbank, because if it is not there, it becomes a casino.

I do not claim to be the final authority, this is my subjective opinion.

Mathemat >> :

I have long had the impression that this is all a game directed from a single centre. And the so-called fundamentals and other indices which supposedly reflect economic realities are rubbish.

It does smell of gunpowder, doesn't it? Oil is well on its way to the mark I mentioned here. And we have 78 in the budget, it seems. The bottom doesn't seem to be in sight...

CFD Light sweet crude oil (Future)

The centre or the centre... One thing is true: only one person rules the world economy.

Of course he doesn't do it on his own, but with the help of other people who just work for him.

That is the way the world works: everyone works for himself to the extent of his understanding, and everyone works for the other to the extent of his misunderstanding.

The world game is extremely graceful and elaborate.

By the way, there is no crisis. Everything is under the control of the "master of the world economy". It only seems like there is a crisis.

Here is an interesting report from June 8, but it describes very well what is going on at this time, it is as if the visionaries wrote it: A report by the Institute of Globalization and Social Movements

BARS >> :

Once again, what counts as real economic growth?

Real economic growth is when prices are stable and unemployment is falling.

Real growth is an increase in GDP adjusted for inflation.

Real growth=(GDP for current year/GDP for last year)*100 percent inflation. IMHO

meta-trader2007 >> :

I found a very interesting report from June 8, but it perfectly describes what is going on at the moment, as if it was written by visionaries: A report from the Institute of Globalization and Social Movements

The real growth is the increase in GDP plus inflation.

Real growth=(GDP this year/GDP last year)*100 percent inflation. IMHO

This growth in GDP will be eaten up by inflation.

Look at us !

GDP is growing and so are prices.

Where is the growth of the economy? Only businesses are making a profit and not very much, again, armotisation, raw materials...

meta-trader2007 >> :

The centre is not the centre... One thing is true: just one person runs the entire world economy.

Of course he doesn't do it on his own, but with the help of other people who just work for him.

This is the way the world works - everyone works for himself to the extent of his understanding, and works for the other to the extent of his misunderstanding.

The world game is extremely graceful and elaborate.

By the way, there is no crisis. Everything is under the control of the "master of the world economy". It only seems that there is a crisis.

Here is an interesting report from June 8, but it describes very well what is going on at this time, it is as if the visionaries wrote it: A report by the Institute of Globalization and Social Movements

Real growth is the increase in GDP plus inflation.

Real growth = (current year GDP/GDP of the previous year)*100% inflation. IMHO

no. Real growth=(current year GDP/GDP last year)*100 percent inflation. and there can be no IMHO here.

Inflation is calculated using the value of the purchasing basket for the base year and for the current year. Then inflation is subtracted from current GDP, then inflation-adjusted GDP is divided by base year GDP, and so we get real growth. that is (current GDP/(1+%inflation*100))/base year GDP = Real growth.