Questions about publication procedures - page 8

SK. писал (а) >>

2. It's not about reviewers. It is simply the norm. A serious article cannot fail to include a list of references and links to other internet resources. It is the author's business in the meaning of the article. And if the author does not know the matter and needs a reviewer (for example, if there is a suspicion that the idea described as pioneer is far from being new or is a classic at all), then it is no longer the author.


In general, this is largely a conversation about nothing. If you approach it formally, free will comes first. A collective event (author + editor) can take place on the good will of two people. The editor proposed the conditions. The author can accept them, may refuse (and can create their own resource with its own rules). And a conversation like "I want you to..." is beyond correctness in my understanding of the author-editor relationship.

"To put it formally", the relationship between author and publisher has long been regulated, and the institution of reviewers exists everywhere (except in editorial offices which publish articles for a fee). The procedure is different at the Forum - and that's fine. One must simply say so, rather than scold the author. (And if you do, you must explain why.) I feel that I have broken a taboo. But if it's not me, someone else will bring it up sooner or later.

And about "I want you to..." - that was not in the text, not in the subtext, not even in my thoughts. Don't mind pointing out the post with that phrase.


So far, I have never gone into open conflict with anyone. Only because the opponent is usually not ready. Although in some cases I'm tempted to say something outright.

Well, okay, some kid. He'll make a fool of himself in the heat of the moment. But in this case. You've got to be a little aware of your own movements.

What's 3,500? What's this about? What do you mean, "you have to say", "you just have to tell me about it".

So I see a picture of an author sitting there, while the firm's employees are swarming around him trying to warn him about something. Like, "Dear Sir, you should be aware that we are so-and-so. You should not waste your energy, you should know that so-and-so has already been written.

Ah, how easy it is to make decisions when they're prepared for you. Don't you think it's a bit like this: You do your work, find it and let me know. I want you to.

What "worldwide practice" are you talking about? Don't you know how much TV artists are paid to get on TV?

Or have you really been getting 3,500 a month for the last 10 years for a story and here you don't get it? Everywhere else, yes, but here, you see, no!

Here's a post with the phrase you're looking for: "In fact, I was talking about a ready-made program! !! A program that allows you (with all the caveats) to make money directly!!! "

An experienced trader would never allow himself to say such a thing out loud, because he knows the price of these words.

But this price is not known to the same student who "buys on the peel" and sells out his last 250 KZT on your "program" in a couple of weeks.

Neither do you. And do not argue, because we are read by 15 000 visitors to the forum every day, and among them there will definitely be those who will ask for a test, demo and invest real money. And you will not be able to give them anything.

Maybe you have not noticed, but along with freedom 20 years ago we got a whole bunch of relations, which is called capitalism.

I am not a judge. But excuse me, you are not my guide. I have not thought about it, but the text and the subtext consists of it. And in everyday life it is called caprice, mixed with low consciousness.

TheXpert писал (а) >>

Aha Does that mean you will consider the proposal? If so, could you put it in a separate thread and discuss it more specifically?

You could give "prizes" for

1. each barrier 1000 2000 3000 etc.

2. (1) but in ascending order 1000 2500 4500 7000 10000 etc. (IMHO what is needed)

So it's probably not destined to happen...

granit77 писал (а) >>

SK. outlined the established practice in the preparation of scientific papers, articles, patent applications and generally serious products of intellectual labour.

This is a general rule, of which this site is no exception. You ignore those rules, but your aspirations are understandable, and such a heated discussion

The reason for such a heated discussion is that you are voicing opinions that have long been tried and tested in practice on this forum. Reread the forum, look through CodeBase in detail,

and you will see that the problem is as old as the world and has no single solution. I am not an old resident but I remember at least a dozen of such discussions well.

As it happens in such cases, due to lack of consensus, the rules are "de facto", which is supported by the administration.

And all your hotheadedness will not lead to mutual understanding, the "homeostatic universe" will still prove stronger.

You want money - make money either by trading with an EA or by trading with an EA. You want to write an article and become a guru - do it, but on

generally accepted terms.

In general, as the miners of Donbass say: "You dOobycha give. and everyone can talk".

If this discussion is the eleventh, then there will be a twelfth and thirteenth and so on to infinity.

Why doesn't the Administration put a point, and not make a clarification in the rules that removes such issues?

Renat писал (а) >>

... For example, Rashid Umarov (Rosh) writes articles for Trader's magazine absolutely free of charge.

Is it possible to read them somewhere in Russian? Very interesting.

Prival писал (а) >>

Is it possible to read them somewhere in Russian? It's very interesting.

Rashid writes articles both under his own name and on behalf of our company:

Trader's magazine is printed, but old archives are available online after registration.

Renat писал (а) >>

Trader's magazine is in print, but older archives are available on the website after registration.

I registered, but the content of the articles is still unavailable. Did not find any translation into Russian.

granit77 писал (а) >>

I have registered, but the content is still not available. >> Could not find translation in Russian.

Why should an English-German magazine have a Russian translation?

Not all articles may be available for download - this is determined by the financial policy of the paying magazine:

Issue Title Author Type Files (PDF)
April 2008 Holding Period Returns (HPR) Umarov, Rashid Strategies Access refused
June 2008 My System is Stable and Reliable - How to Draw a Straight Line on a Balance Graph Umarov, Rashid Strategies Access refused
November 2007 Using Normal Distribution to Place Better Stop-Losses Umarov, Rashid Strategies Access refused
December 2007 Z-Score - Do I Trade Randomly Umarov, Rashid Strategies Access refused

Read more about Trader's magazine in Russian here. The annual subscription costs $70 excluding postage.

Renat писал (а) >>

Rashid writes articles both under his own name and on behalf of our company:

Trader's magazine is printed, but old archives are available on the website after registration.

Thank you for what you gave (links) I have seen and read it. I understand that Trader's magazine is in English and I wanted to know if there is a copy of what Rashid mentioned in the links above or something else. If there are big differences or something fundamentally different, I would like to read in Russian.

Articles written by a trader and programmer of this level are always of great interest to me, especially if they describe views on the market, principles used to build ATSs, etc. The level does not allow to write nonsense and nothing, which is always very, very interesting.

Renat писал (а) >>

Why should an English-German magazine have a translation into Russian?

Not all articles may be available for download - this is determined by the financial policy of the paying magazine:

Issue Title Author Type Files (PDF)
April 2008 Holding Period Returns (HPR) Umarov, Rashid Strategies Access refused
June 2008 My System is Stable and Reliable - How to Draw a Straight Line on a Balance Graph Umarov, Rashid Strategies Access refused
November 2007 Using Normal Distribution to Place Better Stop-Losses Umarov, Rashid Strategies Access refused
December 2007 Z-Score - Do I Trade Randomly Umarov, Rashid Strategies Access refused

Can these articles be posted here as well. It's free to publish, so there shouldn't be any limitations on spreading the information they contain elsewhere.