Questions about publication procedures

Good afternoon,
I was planning to send a proposal for publication to the Forum, but two questions arose while reading the Rules:
1. Can the fee for an article with the attached Advisor be 30 c.u.? In that case, it's easier to give it away for free, but through your own site. If, after all, there are some gradations (a pure text article, an article illustrated by a code, and, finally, an article containing the Expert Advisor (a script, an indicator), I would like to learn about them.
2. According to the rules, the author must first submit all the material to the moderators of the forum, and only then will the question of publication and the amount of royalties be decided. The worldwide practice is different: first the author sends general information about the article (title, outline, intended readers), foreword or part of the first section (to demonstrate the author's style), and only after the editors have decided on the publication, the fee is settled. Maybe you should introduce such an order of article review? I think that in this case the number of interesting authors and important publications will increase significantly.
There is also the practice of handing over all the material and then deciding on publication and the amount of payment for the opportunity to publish
Integer писал (а) >>
There is also the practice of handing over all the material and then deciding on publication and the amount of payment for the opportunity to publish

>> That's funny,

Integer писал (а) >>
There is also the practice of handing over all the material and then deciding on publication and the amount of payment for the opportunity to publish

Only if the text is written in a couple of hours. And my EA itself takes 48K.


ingvar, you misunderstood. Integer was making a joke here: it was about the author paying for the publication himself.

Regarding remuneration: what seems to you to be reasonable compensation for the masterpiece you are about to post?

Mathemat писал (а) >>

ingvar, you misunderstood. Integer was making a joke here: it was about the author paying for the publication himself.

Regarding remuneration: what seems to you to be reasonable compensation for the masterpiece you are about to post?

Integer's witticism from the realm of nanotechnology is thinner than a mosquito ...

However, to the point.

I do not offer any grails. The working title of the article is "Expert Advisor Based on Natural Indicators: Design, Programming, Operation". The material is intended mainly for traders with little (or no) programming experience and who are not very experienced in mathematics. The indicators are built directly in the program and are based directly on the primary chart structures - the packs of prices, their movements, tick volumes. I call these structures as natural indicators. No mathematics above 4th grade secondary school level is used, not even average. In the process of presentation I will tell you about those purely programming tricks that are used in the Expert Advisor.

An experienced programmer can learn something useful for himself or herself from a working code (in the most offensive to the author's case - the information on how not to write EAs).

One warning - the Expert Advisor is distributed "as is" and no warranty is given and no complaints are accepted. Questions will certainly be answered.

Deadline - no later than November, the volume - as much as necessary for the reader to understand the material. I can't specify in sheets yet.

If similar articles have already been published - close the theme. If not - the cost of the work - 3.500 USD.

Irrespective of the above - a suggestion to improve this section of the forum (Articles). Administration should offer something like a subscription to the planned works: publish an announcement of future articles, forum users write what they would like to see, and already on the basis of these wishes Administration makes a decision. In general, the publishing business numbers 6 centuries, the scheme of professional relations between the author and the publisher worked out long ago (in Russia - since Pushkin), you just need to use the experience already accumulated.

(My recommendations are based not only on the world experience, but also on my own experience as the author of about fifty publications (paper and online) and the scientific editor of the thematic collection).

ingvar писал (а) >>

If not, the cost of the work is 3,500 c.u.

3,500 uU? Of course not....

but from my own experience as the author of some fifty publications (paper and online) and as the scientific editor of a thematic collection

As an editor, did you pay anyone such royalties? Or publishing your own, have you been paid that much anywhere (tell me where). Or let me write for you for 1000 c.u. (I have a lot to tell and write) and you will publish on their own for 3500 c.u. (But not in Japanese yen) - is not a good deal? Except that no one here has accepted such a lucrative offer from me yet, and I don't think you will either. Because.... may be continued

ingvar писал (а) >>

In addition to the above, one suggestion for improving this section of the Forum (Articles). The administration should offer a kind of subscription to planned works: announcements of future articles are published, forum users note what they would like to see, and the administration makes a decision on the basis of these wishes. In general, the publishing business has 6 centuries, the scheme of professional relationship between author and publisher worked out long ago (in Russia, since Pushkin), you just need to use the experience already accumulated.

Indirect consequence of your consideration -- one more thing: to create a premium section of forum, base, etc.

Naturally, not for free, then:

1. its members will most likely get a chance to read your paper. Because it is unlikely (IMHO!) that anyone will give you the requested amount now.

2. Improving the quality and capabilities of the code.

3. getting rid of the vast majority of uninformative threads in the premium section.

(My recommendations are based not only on the world, but on my own experience - the author of about fifty publications (paper and online) and the scientific editor of the thematic collection).

That's where you should have started



As someone with some background knowledge of the publication of scientific articles, I would like to point out the following.

Almost never does the author of a scientific publication receive payment from the editorial board. At least in Russia.

But the number of publications in serious peer-reviewed journals greatly affects the prospects of receiving grants.

Commercial journals are another matter. Yes, they have their own permanent or non-permanent authors who write articles and receive their legitimate fee. But in this case the journal "earns money" on the sale of circulation. Consequently, as noted above, if we increase the amount of payment to authors, we need to switch to paid subscriptions for articles.

DrShumiloff писал (а) >>



As someone with some background knowledge of the publication of scientific articles, I would like to point out the following.

Almost never does the author of a scientific publication receive payment from the editorial board. At least in Russia.

But the number of publications in serious peer-reviewed journals significantly influences the prospects of receiving grants.

Commercial journals are another matter. Yes, they have their own permanent or non-permanent authors who write articles and get their legal fees. But in this case the journal "earns money" by selling copies. Consequently, as noted above, if we increase the amount of payment to authors, we need to move to a paid subscription for articles.

I fully support that.

I too have some experience of publishing scientific articles. No royalties have ever been paid. True, once a strange notification came to the department to receive either 12 or 20 rubles (early 90s). Nobody knew what to do with it... gave a piece of paper to accounting department and that was the end of it.

The only practical use of my publications was enlarging the list of my dissertations for my Ph. And moral satisfaction.


I suppose the 3,500 is just a joke :)


I don't know about now, but in Soviet times they paid good money for publications in technical journals, even for newsletters.

The sums, however, were close to the ones you mentioned. SK. But in the office they used to pay a few times as much, about a hundred.