Questions about publication procedures - page 2

DrShumiloff писал (а) >>



As someone with some background knowledge of the publication of scientific articles, I would like to point out the following.

Almost never does the author of a scientific publication receive payment from the editorial board. At least in Russia.

But the number of publications in serious peer-reviewed journals significantly influences the prospects of receiving grants.

Commercial journals are another matter. Yes, they have their own permanent or non-permanent authors who write articles and get their legal fees. But in this case the journal "earns money" by selling copies. Consequently, as noted above, if we increase the amount paid to authors, we need to move to paid subscriptions for articles.

Not paid, if I remember, in DAN USSR. In Advances in Mathematical Sciences, they paid; in Functional Analysis, they paid; in departmental journals, they paid (if the author was an outsider).

But that is not the main point. Bare (without code) article in this forum is almost no use to anyone (except for lovers of shallow philosophy in deep places). In fact I was talking about a ready-made program! !! A program that allows (with all the caveats) to make money directly! For reference - one line on Kobol costs 25 green roubles (true, in a fully debugged programme).

In general, the financial issues in this case are elementary to calculate. One possible way to calculate - approximately determine (at least by polling or the same subscription) how many forum users through the article goes to the real, how much profit this will get the administration and how much you can falakat writer.

Integer писал (а) >>

3,500 yu.pon e.n? Of course not....

As an editor, did you pay anyone such royalties? Or publishing your own, have you been paid that much anywhere (tell me where). Or let me write for you for 1000 c.u. (I have a lot to tell and write) and you will publish on their own for 3500 c.u. (But not in Japanese yen) - is not a good deal? Except that no one here has accepted such a lucrative offer from me yet, and you probably won't either. Because.... may be continued

I was a science editor, I didn't do gorors at all. Just to be clear, check out my reply to Dr. Shumilov.

TheXpert писал (а) >>

An indirect consequence of your point -- another one: create a premium section of the forum, base, etc.

Naturally, not free, then:

1. Its members are more likely to get a chance to read your article. Because it is unlikely (IMHO!) that anyone will give you the requested amount now.

2. Improve the quality and capabilities of the code.

3. getting rid of the vast majority of uninformative threads in the premium section.
This should have been the starting point

That's right. Paying a few cu. e. for most forum users, I think, it's not a problem.

ingvar писал (а) >>

I was a scientific editor, I did not deal with gorors at all. Just to be clear, see my reply to Dr. Shumilov.

Aha! And from that you had no idea about the rest of your organisation's activities.

ingvar писал (а) >>

For the record, one line on Kobol costs 25 green roubles (true, in a fully debugged programme).

That's how you write on Kobol. - "To this day, COBOL is considered the programming language in which the most lines of code have been written" :))
ingvar писал (а) >>

In general, the financial issues in this case are elementary to calculate. One of the possible options for calculation - to approximately determine (at least by polling or the same subscription) how many forum members through the article goes to the real, how much profit this will get the administration and how much you can pay the author.

Given that the administration of the forum, as far as I know, is not the DC, the profit is easy enough to calculate - 0 rub.


It is kind of embarrassing that we are not asking for money, running a big project in three languages for free, paying for articles, checking them and then translating them into other languages.

I guess to get something, you have to give something away first, don't you?

Integer писал (а) >> - "COBOL is still considered to be the programming language in which the most lines of code have been written" :))

I find it hard to believe. Right now, on a C++ project, there are almost 100 meters of clean code.

Renat писал (а) >>

It's kind of embarrassing that we don't ask for money, run a big project in three languages for free, pay for articles, check them and then translate them into other languages.

I guess in order to get something you have to give something away first, eh?

Hmm, well, I, for one, am in favour of a paid subscription. Of course, with a sensible approach to organising it, pardon the pun.

Well, about the money - I'm sure you're not just working on pure enthusiasm.