Questions about publication procedures - page 5


ingvar, you tell me where they pay 3500 c.u. (i.e. X c.u.) for an article. (And why are you here and not there? And what are you so great to reproduce in the world? Or give me the coordinates of at least one of your articles published for 3500 c.u.

ingvar писал (а) >>

I had the same motives when I published articles on the theory of functions. As a programmer, I get satisfaction when my software is used . For that it must be reliably debugged and described. This is why I give away complete developments free of charge. In this case, I would have to write a detailed manual (this is actually an article) and make the EA fully readable.

Try to state the essence of the idea in just a few pages. Get 30 CCs and the moral satisfaction of having hundreds of people using it (if, of course, it works).

But it's still not very clear: why can't you make money from selling a ready-made expert? Or, even simpler, by exploiting it.

If you create a profitable Expert Advisor based on a solid idea and show at least useful tests, you will find buyers. You can also submit it for the Championship. And win. Or attract potential buyers.

If the idea is really meaningful.

Integer писал (а) >>

Show me at least one other place on the Internet where almost anyone can publish an article and get paid for it, at least not in the magnificently fanatical proportions, as you dream, but at least, with proper diligence and hard work, providing in the order of the average wage in the country. In my humble opinion MQ is practically engaged in charity with regard to articles.

One place I can point out is the Internet Education Forum, funded by Yukos, which closed down about 2 years after it was put in place, I think. Everyone who wanted to publish there could not (it does not happen for money), but if the author proved (demonstrated) the usefulness of his material for the development of IT teachers - the material was published.

Many, almost all, of those who get away with something think, for some reason, that this is how the world works, but it works in a very different way. Welcome to the real world, Neo!
DrShumiloff писал (а) >>

In general, this is a question for the administration.

In my humble opinion, this resource was created and is being promoted with the only purpose - to popularize MT4 terminal and its built-in language. Posting articles on this site, payment for authors' services, payment for translators' services and etc. - all this goes under the heading of "promoting MT4 platform". And of course this is the right policy. There are very few systems that can compare with MT4 in terms of convenience, power and visibility. I once attended a forex-club seminar with their presentation of Rumus (or whatever it is), I was spat and realized that I would hardly switch from MT4 to anything else :))

So I will search for brokers, that support MT4. Brokers, in their turn, seeing the demand for MT4, will work with metaquotes, renew licenses, buy new versions of servers, etc. I.e. promotion of MT4 certainly brings benefits to administration of the resource. However, not in as direct a way as you may have thought. Exactly how much money you earn or donate to a brokerage company hardly has any effect on MT4 sales.

I agree with your scheme, but then it is unclear why the MT rights holders, not weak managers apparently, spend hundreds of thousands (maybe), and millions, on platform development, and can't allocate a few tens for EA authors? Saving on buttons for an expensive suit? Unlikely.

heh, there's a getch fourth time they took the grenade away, sent it home.
ingvar писал (а) >>

It all makes sense now. It's just that I think it should say something like this in the Fees section of the Rules:

I don't mean to be insolent, but you'd better create your own resource and post your texts and rules there.

ingvar писал (а) >>

..why can't the MT rights holders...allocate a few dozen for EA authors?

A rhetorical question that could be rephrased as: "You've got plenty of money, give me some."

Metaquotes pays money as a reward for active authors who share their knowledge with their peers. And authors,

don't always chase royalties, by the way. Igor Kim, for example, could get paid for every piece he publishes in his thread

function to get a separate fee in CodeBase, do the math at your leisure.

to Renat

I understand that you are very patient, but please don't stoop to the level of users. We are free people and have little control,

and you're on duty.

Renat писал (а) >>

Не сочтите за наглость, но Вы лучше создайте свой собственный ресурс и размещайте там свои тексты и правила.

Why the insolence? You are the creator and host of this interesting site; we are guests. True, you don't talk to guests like that, but then again. - That's your right.

Good day.

granit77 писал (а) >>

A rhetorical question that could be paraphrased as: "You have plenty of money, give me some.

The metaquotes pay money as a reward for active authors who share their knowledge with fellow authors. And authors,

don't always chase royalties, by the way. Igor Kim, for example, could get a separate fee for each feature he publishes in his

Each function published in his branch could get a separate fee in CodeBase, calculate it at your leisure.

I wasn't writing about myself! I only inquired about the Rules in response to a proposal of the Administration to publish my materials. Why such a simple question caused a 5-page discussion is unclear.