Traders Forum - page 7

IlyaF писал (а) >>

Anger? No, I just want to clean up where I'm going to "build my creative nest". Even if I'm wrong, I'm entitled for whatever reason not to show my system before the championship. Thanks for understanding :)

Of course, but in this case, you don't have to write as an argument for your own coolness: "My Expert Advisor gives 100% a month without optimization, while with optimization it is cool as hell", because somebody else can always increase that figure, because words, as I wrote above, are water, they have no meaning and give no information, except for annoyance....:-)

LeoV писал (а) >>

Of course, but then you don't need to write as an argument for your coolness, "My Expert Advisor gives 100% a month without optimization, and with optimization it's even better," because someone else can always increase this figure, because words, as I wrote above - water, they have no meaning and carry no information, except irritation ....:-)

In the specialized thread about Expert Advisors (about ATC2008) I asked prospective participants what results they had in the tester and what they were expecting. Immediately I answered to myself. Without optimization the efficiency decreases, with weekly optimization the profit is 50-100%. Read it carefully, I didn't say that "I'm so cool because...".

IlyaF писал (а) >>
So this first impression almost never changes.

Here's the thing! The impression is YOUR impression. It's not the person, it's your impression of them. If you do not want to change it (impression), it will be so. The person may be wonderful, but he/she is unlucky in comparison with yours.

IlyaF wrote (a) >>

If people make a bad impression, they will be treated badly. Do you agree?

No, I don't agree. You're suggesting a vicious circle, and I like tearing them up. It's become an obsession. Try it, you'll like it. The main thing is to see where the circle closes and to be fully aware of your actions.

IlyaF wrote (a) >>.
...Some people just get in the way of normal communication.
I'm sorry, but that's purely your problem. You create your own reality and your own environment. Everywhere you go, you will be hindered. It has nothing to do with other people.
IlyaF писал (а) >>
By the way, I'll write an article later about what you can learn from the report :)

I will record... Ilya Filatov promised to write an article about what you can learn from the report.


Dear participants of the discussion!

You can now pelt me with rotten tomatoes of YOUR very strongly-VIP opinions, as I am a newcomer and am terrified not to misspell the word "indekatar", but YOU are all so clever, and most importantly, at the point))) But where do the moderators look? Until now, I have read the forum and it seemed to me (probably erroneously) authoritative enough, the participants are sane and most of the old-timers understand something! And what do I see? How out of quite adequate questions of a newcomer swamped instead of talking to each other and started a feud and mutually caricatured each other! Maybe I was mistaken about the purpose of the existence of this forum, but I hate to read all this disrespectful nonsense that I have to waste my time looking for grains (!) of information, and how much foam has spilled from YOUR mouths, gentlemen, at a simple request of a man to address him more politely.

I want YOU as a outsider, but a long time forum reader, notice that if YOU are all so smart, then why such ... Continue the phrase yourself, to the extent of their wit.

Probably, for organizers of a forum the loss of me as the unit of audience and will not play any role in business of " popularization autotrading ", however I shall dare to draw to myself and even I will not be afraid of YOUR snide remarks, for as it became clear to me, the majority of the gathered venerable congregation is here not for the declared purpose, and to exercise in eloquence. By YOUR comments, gentlemen, YOU expose yourselves as frustrated losers and deep thinkers, unable to generate a more or less profitable idea, and covering their impotence with postulates of verbiage like YOU.

I suggest that moderators should pay closer attention to what is going on.

Take care)

Respectfully, Anna.

KimIV писал (а) >>

Here's the thing! The impression is YOUR impression. It's not the person, it's your impression of them. If you do not want to change it (impression), it will be so. The person may be wonderful but he is unlucky to be impressed by you.

These people determine the impression they make. So there's no place for "chance" or "luck".

KimIV wrote (a) >>

No, I disagree. You're suggesting a vicious circle, and I like tearing them up. It's become an obsession. Try it, you'll like it. The main thing is to see where the circle closes and to be fully aware of your actions.

Do you realise that there is no reason to mention "consciousness of actions"? Perhaps you can comment on what you are saying?

KimIV wrote (a) >>
Sorry, but this is purely your problem. You create your own reality and your own environment. Wherever you go, you will be hindered everywhere you go. And it has nothing to do with other people.

Yes, I can see you're all right here :) By the way, yes, wherever I get in the way, I create my reality. Believe me, they will soon listen to me and communicate more constructively. Other people have a lot to do with it because they are part of the environment. You can't look at a system in isolation from its elements. Thank you.

KimIV wrote (a) >>

I'll make a note of it... Ilya Filatov promised to write an article about what you can learn from the report.

Yes, I am responsible for my words, unlike many here :)


Dear Anna. People just need to speak out sometimes. Everyone may have hidden reasons for their somewhat aggressive behaviour. But that's how we're built, that we project our problems onto our relationships with others.

This will pass, time heals.

I bet everyone's gonna be here tomorrow kissing their gums. :)


The moderators can see everything.

sergeev писал (а) >>

Dear Anna. People just need to speak out sometimes. Everyone may have hidden reasons for their somewhat aggressive behaviour. But that's how we're built, that we project our problems onto our relationships with others.

It'll pass, time heals.

I bet everyone's gonna be here tomorrow kissing their gums. :)

Of course they won't. But that's life, with all its little or big troubles and joys and whatnot.

sergeev писал (а) >>

Dear Anna. People just need to speak out sometimes. Everyone may have hidden reasons for their somewhat aggressive behaviour. But this is how we are built, that we project our problems onto our relationships with others.

It'll pass, time heals.

I'll bet everyone here will be kissing their gums tomorrow. :)

I'd like to believe it) But there is such a tendency to attack newcomers here that one would rather remain silent than be spat upon and ridiculed. Not everyone is as brave as I am.


2 For everyone

We are all human beings. Let's not indulge in verbiage and engage in a contest to see who can poke who with the strongest phrase.

Grown-ups should behave properly, not childishly.

If an argument is deadlocked, it is better to apologise and stop it. That way you show your respect for the other person.

Continuation of the topic from which this thread has grown, I ask to leave until tomorrow as is. And tomorrow will be a new day with its own problems. Especially since it is evening and there is no need to get yourself all worked up before going to bed.