Tell me the release date of mql5? When will mql5 be available? - page 22


Coming from the other side to the lokas: if it's the same as closing a pose, why do they get in the way and why should they be cancelled? If there is no difference? А? There's a regulator in the US who also wants to ban (or has already banned). In my opinion, this is idiotic. If there is no difference between lock and counter order closing in terms of results, then leave it alone. No... Deutschebank has lock in the platform. On the platform of one Russian brokerage company, we can set a property for each order to lock or to be closed by a counter order.

For me locks are very convenient when working on levels breakouts and reversals. Nice to see worked out and new levels. Without locks you have to construct constructs with orders if done (if the platform allows it), consider and keep in mind the levels that have worked out. It complicates both "manual" work and writing of Expert Advisors.

However, a war against lokas has been declared. I will live without them. But why the hell do they decide for clients how to work better and more conveniently?

So when will MQL5 and a terminal for it be available? А? :)))
I always have a question on my tongue: MQL5 will be released one month earlier, what should I do with it? The serious brokers will start to talk carefully in a year or so, they say, "Let's think, the new codes will not work with the old terminals. We can sleep peacefully for a couple of years, if we take into account the test period.
AdwareRu >> :
So when is MQL5 and the terminal for it coming? А? :)))

Leave this question to your grandchildren as a legacy... :)


If you think about the waiting hype, which is to the company's advantage, then you can conclude...

If the deadline were early, then saying so would increase the hype... and since the deadline is not yet imminent, then saying so would immediately reduce the hype and it would be too boring for the company.

Of course, waiting impatiently for unknown deadlines is better than waiting boringly for distant and inaccurate deadlines...

keep it simple, hype is hype, but do we need a DC mql5????????????????? :-о)
budimir >> :
keep it simple, hype is hype, but does the dc need mql5????????????????? :-о)

My DC said he would think about the fifth sign for another year, and would wait with MQL5 until he had more experience in using it...

I sleep in peace.

Shu >>:
локи - это дьявольское изобретение ДЦ, чтобы морочить головы неопытным чайникам-"трейдерам". на тот предмет, что можно "научиться разруливать локи". я пока не видел ни одного человека, которые бы от "разруливания" получил что-то, кроме головной боли. :-)

Mr.Shu, if you don't know how to break a lock (locks, floats), that doesn't mean it's impossible.

A lock is an ordinary trading tool. It is quite realistic to learn how to use it.

To my great regret, as I understand from this thread, MT5 will deprive us all of this tool, which significantly, I emphasize - VARIOUSLY!

trading. I would even say that this is blatant discrimination against traders on the profit sign! I'm not afraid of getting banned, but I'll tell you that the idea that MT is designed for a broker

This is another proof that MT is a broker with a lot of commission.

Apparently, 95-97% of those, who lost their money on FOREX, is too low! We need to get it up to 99.999999. Unfortunately, INSIDE cannot be eradicated.

And yet you (many of you) are talking about some kind of pothick story!!!

Yes we have a right hand chopping! (In right handed people) (And, similarly, for left handed people). (Attempted humour). (With tears).

If that happens, you can forget about the profession of a trader. And all the work will be reduced to playing at the casino!

hhohholl писал(а) >>

The lock is a common trading tool. It is quite realistic to learn how to use it.

Unfortunately to my great regret, as I understood from this thread, MT5 will deprive us all of this tool, which significantly, I emphasize - VERY VERY VERY VERY !!!, cuts off the possibility of profitable

trade. I would even say that this is outright discrimination against traders by the profit feature! Not to fear a ban, I will say that the idea expressed earlier that MT is designed for a broker

and its profits has been proven once again.

You've learned to make a profit by using losing losing lots, just share with us and we'll all pounce on MQ with the pleas to leave lots)

I also use lots, but only when trading manually, just when I need to take a pause for thought in a fast market. My head is not a computer, I don't want to lose money until it starts to work out something. In this case you have to think for some days which order should be kept or both of them should be closed. But mathematics cannot be trusted, and from the viewpoint of mathematics, a lock is equivalent to closing a position. This is a purely psychological nuance, mathematical minus on swaps, spreads and marginal costs depending on brokerage terms.

Figar0 >> :

From your passionate speech it is clear that you have learned how to make a profit through the use of lots, well, share it with us and we all the world will pounce on MQ with a plea to keep the lots)

I also use lots, but only when trading manually, just when I need to take a pause for thought in a fast market. My head is not a computer, I don't want to lose money until it starts to work. In this case you have to think for some days which order should be kept or both of them should be closed. But mathematics cannot be the only way out, and from the viewpoint of mathematics, a lock is equivalent to closing a position. Purely psychological nuances.

The subject of lots is quite simple and complex at the same time...


(to no one in particular)

Lock. In essence, it is a real trading tool, like a nail hammer.

You can use it or not... and if you don't like it at all, you can buy a hammer WITHOUT that hated/unloved/unintelligible nail puller.

Or do you have a problem with that? Then go see a doctor... ;)))


If the MC has made this political decision, of course they have the right to do so, but the first half of the MT will disappear.

(i.e. from Informational Trade to Informational Trade)

Only the graphics will remain, and even then, let's see what happens...

In general there will be another KVIC, a little better, but it will be a KVIC!!!


I'll finish my speech with the following motto: if netting, it's in a bank.

For they mostly use netting platforms... banks themselves around, internet banking etc...

And then there's no point in messing around with netting and the choice of accounting.


Anticipating the possible views and objections saying that MT5 will do the best thing, I will only say one thing:

- Netting, no matter how you dress it up in a cassock, will still be netting with its portly accounting... I don't care...
