[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 476


> After a month of treatment, everything has returned to normal.

Apparently, his computer was hijacked by viruses and spies a month ago and it is no longer him writing at all, but a virus spy at the dictation of the DC. And this spy-virus is hatching plans to hijack our computers.

There! That's how I felt. And most importantly, since the previous page, no one from the forum answered. Now you have to wonder if it's scurvy or constipation.

I would even say "stop working - it's time to make money".

And if you just earn, even better!!!


There! That's how I felt. And most importantly, since the previous page, no one from the forum answered. Now you have to wonder if it's scurvy or constipation.
It would be better to rename the topic "sarcasm". It seems that you have already experienced constipation and scurvy from your own experience! Then the fear of relapse is understandable :))). Under whose guidance were they picked up?
The topic should be renamed "sarcasm". It seems that you have already experienced zaopores and scurvy! Then I understand the fear of relapse:)).Under whose guidance were they picked up?

> After a month of treatment, everything has returned to normal.

Apparently, his computer was hijacked by viruses and spies a month ago and it is no longer him writing at all, but a virus spy at the dictation of the DC. And this spy-virus is hatching plans to hijack our computers.

It would be better to rename the topic "sarcasm". You have already experienced zaopores and scurvy, it seems! Then the fear of relapse is clear:)).Under whose guidance were they picked up?
Better rename the topic "sarcasm". Zaopora and scurvy you have already experienced, it seems! Then the fear of relapse is understandable :)).Under whose guidance were they picked up?

The constipation under the leadership of the Kalinin district committee of the Komsomol and the scurvy under the leadership of the Kalinin district committee of the CPSU of Leningrad.

The constipation under the leadership of the Kalininsky District Committee of the All-Union Leninist Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the scurvy under the leadership of the Kalininsky District Committee of the CPSU of Leningrad.
But here I sincerely sympathize. You had to be treated, probably, not for a month, but longer. After all, these illnesses are much more dangerous than computer viruses! If you get rid of prejudice (I say it without sarcasm and humor) - it will be just great! Perhaps with you without a gauze bandage and without gloves we can say hello! Maybe about something even talk. Everything can be....... It is possible and respect!

There! That's how I felt. And most importantly, since the previous page, no one from the forum answered. Now you have to wonder if it's scurvy or constipation.
What can a lame man say about the art of Herbert von Karajan? If you tell him at once that he is lame, he admits he is defeated. (Zhvanetsky, "Style of the argument")
What can a lame man say about the art of Herbert von Karajan? If you tell him at once that he is lame, he admits to being defeated. .. .(Zhvanetsky, "Style of Argument")

Citation is one of the basic capabilities of linguistic robots.

The question on page 475 was "no clearer. What is the content there?", the answer is in the style of a common robot. But understanding questions and being able to answer them in terms of meaning, rather than form, is something you are not yet able to do. So you, you insidious virus-spy, are sleepwalking.