[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 477



Gentlemen, today is the LAST day of the police!


My point is this: we are working for ourselves and, even worse, for domestic consumption.

I do not mean import. I mean internal ingestion. As they say in the pharmacy. It doesn't go anywhere. It's the other one who has to swallow the same. It's not a haircut, which we haven't mastered. So that's how we walk. A man with a bad haircut can invent something or get up in the morning and go to work. And in a stern coat he will go. He won't go if he's eaten something for internal consumption. What's funny: those drugs that we make in detail; following the technology precisely, we swallow them ourselves. And then you hear medical cries - how, exactly according to the formula CH 3 COC 2 H 5 plus methylchlorohydrate on steam does not help, and exactly the same Swiss bastard takes this bacillus. Again we check CH 3 SOS 2 H 5 on steam - does not take, and what's especially disgusting, they have the same name. Again I say: we have to swallow it ourselves!

Those who compare sit, swallow what takes, and with regret look down and think: when are we going to learn here? Well, Switzerland, a very small country, covers it like a bull sheep. It is pushing as hard as a diesel in the Arctic Circle, but it cannot cure everyone in that far away country where we are flourishing.

Careful, guys, we've been given the formula CH 3 SOS 2 H 5 for two hours on steam, and it doesn't take. It's supposed to... Maybe we need to wash the hands of the slob who's holding the flask. If he doesn't want to do it himself, I'll force him to do it.

Maybe it's too much shaking in our pulses, maybe it's the overdrinking. I'm telling you, we're only doing it for ourselves. We have to be especially careful here, guys.

Don't put tea on Kirsa - we'll poison each other for good. Not only in bad hair, but also with bad digestion. If you want to harass the people, to somehow reduce the load on the soil, then you must go on with aspirin, and bromotuka, and these hard labor pads for model shoes, which go deep inside - over Tyumen, where people wear them all year round.

Or trucks, that do not start in frost, unlike those that start, though very similar. And it's always more pleasant to rattle the keys in winter, especially as the country is northern and the frost is everywhere. And the same "Fiat" just starts up in the North, and the "Moskvich" just does not.

You have tobe more careful, guys. Your persistence does not work for anybody, only for your brother in a vest. Because the one who chooses will choose the Fiat, and the one who does not chooses is gazing into the distance, trying to see his colleague in distant Izhevsk, who had worked so hard to assemble exactly this gearbox. And it's quite similar. And he even put something in it. It was either his own or someone else's, but it would only fly off together with the pinion in the cold anyway.

Careful, boys. You've mastered the general view, now you mustn't skip the details. And if at home the water came out of the gas burner, and from the pipeline - the gas, no one's nerves do not act, no one reaches this method does not, except for his, as unimaginative, that at the barrel warms to this story.

So, I think, if we have reached the same incredible heights, which we have reached in repairing, we would rise in manufacturing, the same Holland would lay at our feet with a request to lend KTZ for a week. And we would drive away the spies from Podolsk sewing machine like flies. But, if it is still possible to joke with a gearbox, then with this powder, I repeat - CH 3 SOS 2 N 5 two hours on steam, it is necessary more carefully, for, unlike a camshaft, we take them inside and quickly assimilate, turning green with hope, and to go then both with a microbe and with the medicine inside - is double death, from which it is necessary to rescue with the third solution - again Syktyvkar deep medications factory. So we have to be more careful, guys.

Ourpopulation is strong and mostly already treating themselves.

Now spiritual food: books, films, pop, ceramics. They too, those who can choose what they want to watch - may not watch it. One watches the same damned Switzerland for familiarization. So again we make films for ourselves. And it seems that you look hard, but you see nothing, and the collective farm is not real, and the chairman does not walk, does not speak, does not eat. And these lovers, taken wholly from the life of pigeons, do not walk by the fountain in a human way and do not stare into the distance in a human way either. And those who have never been to a kolkhoz, I cannot believe, and those who live there swear and curse in a foul language about Hollywood. It's all a strike against themselves. Whoever needs to get locked up and watch Bonnie M or, better yet, Alla Borisovna and her ensemble.

But then again, I say again: you can put the book down, you can get out of the cinema, you can sharpen your crankshaft, but where will you put the liver medicine but in yourself? Here's the one - CH 3 SOS 2 H 5, on steam, which, unlike the Swiss one, doesn't take the germ, but, on the contrary, co-operates with it. And if we are talking about population growth, we would like to see not only an increase in the birth rate in Asia due to the lack of the same medicines, but also the continuation of a painless life of the human race, where furniture, carpets and dishes cannot replace interesting work, whether writing these lines or preparing medicines. For both are for people, for the most important, internal use.


Quoting is one of the basic capabilities of linguistic robots.

The question on page 475 was "no clearer. What is the content there?", the answer is in the style of a common robot. But understanding questions and being able to answer them in terms of meaning, rather than form, is something you are not yet able to do. So you, insidious virus spy, are sleepwalking.

Self-quoting says even more and often much worse.And the inability to distinguish the difference between humour and impoliteness with an unfamiliar interlocutor in your words speaks of a much lower level of courtesy.Using labels and definitions and switching to poking says even less of a lot at you.



the price goes, the price of the road.


Stop loss or stop loss.


> It's been a month since the treatment - everything has returned to normal.

Apparently, his computer was taken over by viruses and spies a month ago and it is no longer him writing at all, but a virus spy at the dictation of the DC. And this spy-virus is planning to hijack our computers.

I will offer you a simple task. With your high level of training in programming (no kidding - that's true) it should not be difficult. There are two equations to solve:


hojumite hojumite=a; and hojumite hojumite=c;

There are some limitations:

The use of a calculator or computer is categorically not recommended because of the discreteness of the calculation.Otherwise some valuable information may be lost and the level of distortion unacceptably high.If difficulties arise,you can use the method of successive approximations to primary sources (Dahl dictionary,for example,or apply direct reference to people with a sense of tact and humour.Among forum members such are most.In the latter case,it is advisable not to carry sharp and stabbing objects.Thoughts should be subject to testing and optNormalizeDouble use at once is acceptable and necessary only to MAT expectation, and from the first sign to the third, not the back and then ... Rows of words should have absolute convergence to politeness in all vicinity of the forum.Well, do not round variables, as the values in the left part of the transcendental and non-periodic, again due to loss of important data. These variables in the calculations of all signs can consume a lot of resources and time - remember about it!

Good luck!


Who let her in the arena? How could she do that?