[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 427

... suggests the content of the Bible

Original text:

"Dmitry Medvedev."

... 56 translations later we get:

"President of any words."

It's better not to think about it. It gets scary.


It's better not to think about it. It gets scary.

How about that?

What's that? Is that a print shop in a madhouse? That's fucked up.

Oh, my God, my homeland.


And the moon was shining in my direction.

Where was it shining on him?

It's for kids...



"From the ladder Vova(!) replied:
- Mum is a janitor?
What's the big deal?
Kolya, for example,
Mum is a policeman!
And Tolya and Vera have
Both mothers are engineers!
And Leva's mother is a cook!
Mum's a janitor?
What's the big deal!"


He's got a cheeky face, you've got to look closely.
Not cheeky, but clever :)




There are people alive.)
