[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 330


".......Alogically, the unfolded hypercube depicted in the picture (Fig.3) in the form of eight stapled cubes, each of which is a facet of a hypercube, can only be rolled up in the fourth spatial dimension. If we could do it, in our three-dimensional space we would see only one cube (one face of hypercube), because other seven cubic faces would be placed in the fourth dimension".

Does anyone get it?

I remember you swearing in the "May 9th" thread... The anthem is a sign of statehood. If I hate hearing a new anthem, I whisper the old one. "I don't 'believe' the new anthem. if I believe it, I'll whisper the new one... in the meantime, I believe the "old" one more... my brother "quit"... What's left of him? After 10 years of living "there" he's no longer "there"... but he's not "there" either... You can't run away from yourself. You have to put yourself in order first. "The right hymn is necessary for Faith.

I wonder what kind of hymn the one who invented this crap needs and if he has children of his own and any brains at all http://www.rzn.info/news/city/48031?yandex=1.

I don't know why an anthem is needed, to me it's just a fetish, but if people need it, then it should be there.

I'm basically fine here and there, if I don't look closely, don't notice, and don't get involved, but my son will be going to a Finnish school in St. Petersburg in two years, and then it seems that everything is also planned.

He won't live here.

This endless struggle between the state and the people and the state is exhausting.


".......Alogically, the unfolded hypercube shown in the picture (Fig.3) in the form of eight stapled cubes, each of which is a face of a hypercube, can only be unfolded in the fourth spatial dimension. If we could do it, in our three-dimensional space we would see only one cube (one face of hypercube), because other seven cubic faces would be placed in the fourth dimension".

Does anyone get it?

I see, what's the problem?

".......Analogously, the unfolded hypercube depicted in the picture (Fig.3) in the form of eight stapled cubes, each of which is a facet of a hypercube, can only be rolled up in the fourth spatial dimension. If we could do it, in our three-dimensional space we would see only one cube (one face of hypercube), because other seven cubic faces would be placed in the fourth dimension".

Does anyone get it?


"To illustrate, imagine throwing a stone at the glass and suddenly, to your amazement, the stone passes through the glass without damaging it! "I read a poltergeist story once and the owner of the flat said that jars of pickles from the balcony flew into the flat through the glass and the window glass was still intact! - so there was a 4th dimension.

I get it, what's the problem?

Fig. 3 can't find it, i.e. an expanded hypercube.

Figure 3 itself. 3 can't find it, i.e. an expanded hypercube.
I can't find it either - it's in the 4th dimension and invisible.

Fig. 3 cannot be found, i.e. a folded hypercube.

an unfolded hypercube is 8 cubes stacked together in a double cross,

and a collapsed one is when all 7 fit inside any one without distortion, finding space in 4 dimensions


an unfolded hypercube is 8 cubes stacked together in a double cross,

and a collapsed one is when all 7 fit inside any one without distortion, seeking space in 4 dimensions

Sounds like you were a four dimensional being in a past life...

an unfolded hypercube is 8 cubes stacked together in a double cross,

and a collapsed one is when all 7 fit inside any one without deformation, finding space in the 4th dimension

Thanks Denis, that's clear...

That's what we see in the graph is a flat, primitive, two-dimensional being, and we with our superiority cannot understand it... If we became that two-dimensional, i.e. "lie down" on the chart, we would see the only correct direction of price movement - straight away from us.

It seems you were a four-dimensional being in a past life...
I'm not particularly flat in this one...)