[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 323


"Please do something interesting with this picture."


"Please do something with this photo, I'd really like something interesting.


1991, the country is in the throes of perestroika. There is no certainty about tomorrow, today and yesterday. Who remembers, remembers.
г. Lviv. A friend of mine lives with his father, mother, two younger sisters and his mother's grandmother.
The grandmother, or rather great-grandmother is over ninety, she does not hear well, has not been on the street for ten years, can barely walk around the flat to the toilet and back. The family income is the salary of her parents - doctors and a small pension. Every day the life of the family is getting more and more strained and hungry. And my grandmother started to mope and whine a lot:
- God won't let me die. All my peers are already there, I have outlived my children and am only spoiling my granddaughter and her family...
In the evening, the whole family came to a family council in Grandma's room and the father began:
- Grandmother, not only are you not disturbing us, but on the contrary. We wanted to leave you alone and not disturb you, but we cannot live without your life experience. Grandmother, you will be our treasurer from now on.
Your word is law, because without a clear list of expenses we don't have enough for anything. Here's our two salaries, you're in charge.

And grandmother put her notebooks, purses and jars of change around her.
Every day all the members of the family queued up in the morning to get money for their pocket money.
Grandma noticeably revived, she managed to squeeze out 120 rubles for a new hoover, the more so because her parents got their salaries raised by 40 and 60 rubles. On weekends, the great-grandchildren (if they behaved themselves during the week) received fifty roubles for a cinema and an ice-cream.
A couple of years later, the old lady was feeling sorry for the family:
- How will you be without me, you'll ruin everything...

She died happy, needed by her family, and never knew that all her "family money" of 400 rubles and kopecks... wasn't enough for one tram ticket, which cost 10,000, and the money was different.



I wonder which one, the therapist or the trauma therapist



I wonder which one, the therapist or the trauma therapist

Drug therapist :)

Nice jacket.)

Do you want a bet?

Only for nonfarm survivors who haven't gone on a binge ))


Do you want a bet?

Only for nonfarm survivors who haven't gone on a binge ))

Spit it out.)