[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 207


Time machine...

Thank you!

I was 16 again.

Does anyone have Suzana Vega's Tom's Dinner, first edition (no music)?

Question for the polymaths: who is this "artist" and how much is his smear?

Does anyone have Suzana Vega's Tom's Dinner, first edition (without music)?

Karl-Heinz Brandenburg (working for the Fraunhofer Society), one of the developers of the MP3 music file encoding format, used this song to improve the audio compression algorithm used. He said, verbatim: I was about to tweak my compression algorithm when, deep in the hallway, I heard the radio playing "Tom's Diner"... I was shocked. I was almost certain that compressing that pleasant a cappella voice would be a near-impossible task.

Brandenburg adapted this song to test his algorithm, listening to it over and over again he came closer and closer to fully conveying the subtlety of Vega's voice. So, one could argue that the MP3 algorithm is specifically tuned to the song "Tom's Diner", for which some audio engineers have come to call Suzanne Vega the "mother of MP3".



Question for the polymaths: who is this "artist" and how much is his smear?

Jackson Pollock