[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 206

I always thought blatnyak and chanson were two big differences ))
Blatnyak is chanson, chanson is not always blatnyak.
No. Blatnyak died in the '90s. Along with the romance)) Chanson is a business.

I propose a compromise.

Thing !!!! + 100500

I haven't and haven't had anyone my age who was as excited about this thing as I am ))

And no one my age, either.


And I heard it for the first time, it was a hoot.

Somehow I missed Sweet when I was into hardcore.


I heard it for the first time, it's amazing.

Somehow I missed Sweet when I was into hardcore.

Remember this?

The sound is totally fucked up, but it's YouTube...((


Yeah, KISS is lovely.

Nazareth is mostly remembered for "Telegram", but I remember that song too. I was at their first gig in Russia :)

I wanted to put it here too, but it's a big mp3 file.


Who's got "Hotel California"?

Since it's so nostalgic...


"We are programmed to receive
You can checkout any time you like
But you can never leave!"

who has "Hotel California"?

The Eagles have