[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 609


Read it! You won't regret it, the story reflects the stupidity of doing business and business in all post-Soviet countries!!! (slightly exaggerated, but still very reminiscent)


Petrov came to a meeting on Tuesday...

This is the typical terms of reference for the development of an EA. By the way, I can draw what five opaque lines at right angles to each other look like.

What's the problem? Draw directly in 7-dimensional space.
How to check the perpendicularity of vectors, I hope you know?
So as not to make it look like a common empty phrase, draw us a seven-dimensional space.

Please. Projection onto a plane of five perpendicular lines in five-dimensional space


Please. Projection onto a plane of five perpendicular lines in five-dimensional space

You must have read it wrong. You wanted to represent perpendicular lines, not their projection.
You must have read it wrong. You wanted to draw perpendicular lines, not a projection of them.

Does the gtr say what they are to be drawn on? Let me draw a five-dimensional leaflet. Creating a five-dimensional leaflet was not part of the terms of reference. When a designer is tasked to draw a house, it means to draw (on a two-dimensional plane), not to build in space.

Does the vision say what you have to draw them on?
Yes, it doesn't make any difference, as long as you draw the lines, not their projections. And in this setting, the 3 perpendiculars are already difficult.
Here we go... oh mygadbl... HD
Yes, it doesn't make any difference what you're using, as long as you're drawing lines, not projections. And in this setting, 3 perpendiculars is already difficult.

The projection is the image, not the lines themselves:)
Here we go... oh mygadbl... HD
I think I'd better go feed the dog and cat. :)

The projection is the image, not the lines themselves:)

On that projection they are not perpendicular. There's just the assumption that somewhere they are perpendicular, but here that 'somewhere' looks 'like this'.

Well, I'll pass. I'm off to the animals.